Research article

Adaptive neural network control for nonlinear state constrained systems with unknown dead-zones input

  • Received: 11 January 2020 Accepted: 27 March 2020 Published: 27 April 2020
  • MSC : 93B52, 93C95, 93D05

  • In this paper, an adaptive neural network tracking control problem for a class of strict feedback systems is disposed. The neural network adaptive control method is introduced in this paper to simplify the controller design. The difficulty in this article is the constraint problem and how to resolve dead-zones in the system. In order to overcome these difficulties, the Barrier Lyapunov functions (BLF) and backstepping process are introduced to ensure that the full state constraint is implemented, meanwhile, keep the system output as close as possible to trace the desired trajectory. Dead-zone compensation method is also plays an important role in controller design. Delay constraint is introduced to solve the problem of uncertain initial state. In the end, the stability of the closed-loop system is proved. Simulation results show that the developed method is effective.

    Citation: Wei Zhao, Lei Liu, Yan-Jun Liu. Adaptive neural network control for nonlinear state constrained systems with unknown dead-zones input[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(5): 4065-4084. doi: 10.3934/math.2020261

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  • In this paper, an adaptive neural network tracking control problem for a class of strict feedback systems is disposed. The neural network adaptive control method is introduced in this paper to simplify the controller design. The difficulty in this article is the constraint problem and how to resolve dead-zones in the system. In order to overcome these difficulties, the Barrier Lyapunov functions (BLF) and backstepping process are introduced to ensure that the full state constraint is implemented, meanwhile, keep the system output as close as possible to trace the desired trajectory. Dead-zone compensation method is also plays an important role in controller design. Delay constraint is introduced to solve the problem of uncertain initial state. In the end, the stability of the closed-loop system is proved. Simulation results show that the developed method is effective.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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