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Study on the spatial variation of sensitivity of soil nutrient system in Xinjiang, China

  • Received: 11 January 2023 Revised: 18 September 2023 Accepted: 25 September 2023 Published: 11 October 2023
  • Previous studies have explored the long time series and large-scale cultivated land nutrient sensitivity and its spatial differentiation characteristics in arid zones from human activities in the context of climate change. This study is based on 10-year interval data on soil nutrient content of cultivated land in the oasis in Xinjiang, China, cultivated land use intensity (LUI) and climate data sets. Using sensitivity and GIS analysis methods, this paper studies soil nutrient sensitivities and their spatial distribution patterns in the context of LUI and climate change. The results showed significant response differences and spatial heterogeneity regarding the sensitivity of soil nutrient systems to LUI and climate change. Among them, soil nutrients were the most sensitive to temperature changes, followed by LUI, while precipitation was the weakest. Soil nutrient sensitivity showed a decreasing spatial distribution pattern from the northeast to the southwest. The soil nutrient system had a strong adaptability to LUI and climate change. However, there were differences in different sensitivity states. These results provide scientific guidance for the spatial selection and implementation of soil fertility enhancement and land remediation projects in similar arid areas.

    Citation: Yang Sheng, Dehua Sun, Weizhong Liu. Study on the spatial variation of sensitivity of soil nutrient system in Xinjiang, China[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2023, 9(4): 632-651. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2023034

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  • Previous studies have explored the long time series and large-scale cultivated land nutrient sensitivity and its spatial differentiation characteristics in arid zones from human activities in the context of climate change. This study is based on 10-year interval data on soil nutrient content of cultivated land in the oasis in Xinjiang, China, cultivated land use intensity (LUI) and climate data sets. Using sensitivity and GIS analysis methods, this paper studies soil nutrient sensitivities and their spatial distribution patterns in the context of LUI and climate change. The results showed significant response differences and spatial heterogeneity regarding the sensitivity of soil nutrient systems to LUI and climate change. Among them, soil nutrients were the most sensitive to temperature changes, followed by LUI, while precipitation was the weakest. Soil nutrient sensitivity showed a decreasing spatial distribution pattern from the northeast to the southwest. The soil nutrient system had a strong adaptability to LUI and climate change. However, there were differences in different sensitivity states. These results provide scientific guidance for the spatial selection and implementation of soil fertility enhancement and land remediation projects in similar arid areas.


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