Research article Special Issues

Theoretical evaluation of the power efficiency of a moored hybrid floating platform for wind and wave energy production in the Greek seas

  • Received: 27 November 2022 Revised: 24 January 2023 Accepted: 07 February 2023 Published: 22 February 2023
  • In this study, an extreme value analysis of wind and wave parameters is presented for three specific locations in the Greek seas that are known to be advantageous in terms of joint power production (both offshore wind and wave) and bathymetric conditions. The analysis is conducted via the Peak-Over-Threshold method, examining wind speed, significant wave height and peak wave period data from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset. Moreover, a multi-purpose floating platform suitable for offshore energy production is presented, which combines wind and wave energy resources exploitation and can be adequately utilized at the selected locations. The analysis is built to incorporate the solutions of the diffraction, motion-dependent and pressure-dependent radiation problems around the floating structure, along with the mooring line and wind turbine (WT) characteristics. Subsequently, a coupled hydro-aero-elastic analysis was performed in the frequency domain, while a dynamic analysis was conducted in order to evaluate the mooring characteristics. Lastly, offshore wind output and absorbed wave energy values were estimated, and different types of mooring systems were compared in terms of efficiency. It has been concluded that the wind energy capacity factor is higher than 50% in all the examined locations, and by the mooring system comparison, the tension-leg platform (TLP) represents the best-case scenario for wave energy absorption.

    Citation: Kimon Kardakaris, Dimitrios N Konispoliatis, Takvor H Soukissian. Theoretical evaluation of the power efficiency of a moored hybrid floating platform for wind and wave energy production in the Greek seas[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2023, 9(1): 153-183. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2023009

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  • In this study, an extreme value analysis of wind and wave parameters is presented for three specific locations in the Greek seas that are known to be advantageous in terms of joint power production (both offshore wind and wave) and bathymetric conditions. The analysis is conducted via the Peak-Over-Threshold method, examining wind speed, significant wave height and peak wave period data from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset. Moreover, a multi-purpose floating platform suitable for offshore energy production is presented, which combines wind and wave energy resources exploitation and can be adequately utilized at the selected locations. The analysis is built to incorporate the solutions of the diffraction, motion-dependent and pressure-dependent radiation problems around the floating structure, along with the mooring line and wind turbine (WT) characteristics. Subsequently, a coupled hydro-aero-elastic analysis was performed in the frequency domain, while a dynamic analysis was conducted in order to evaluate the mooring characteristics. Lastly, offshore wind output and absorbed wave energy values were estimated, and different types of mooring systems were compared in terms of efficiency. It has been concluded that the wind energy capacity factor is higher than 50% in all the examined locations, and by the mooring system comparison, the tension-leg platform (TLP) represents the best-case scenario for wave energy absorption.


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