Research article

Unveiling the nexus of digital conversion and clean energy: An ISM-MICMAC and DEMATEL perspective

  • Received: 11 April 2023 Revised: 04 July 2023 Accepted: 03 August 2023 Published: 18 September 2023
  • Our aim is to develop a hierarchical framework that assesses the interdependence of digital metrics impacting clean energy in the European energy market. The framework is evaluated to determine its applicability to clean energy and implementation. We utilize a taxonomy of digital metrics with the MICMAC ("Matrice d'Impacts Croisés-Multiplication Appliquée à un Classement") methodology and a questionnaire-based survey using DEMATEL to validate the framework. This results in an efficient hierarchy and contextual relationship between key metrics in the European energy industry. We investigate and simulate ten key metrics of digital conversion for clean energy in the energy domain, identifying the most significant effects, including the "decision-making process" the "sustainable value chain" the "sustainable supply chain", "sustainable product life cycle", and the "interconnection of diverse equipment". The MICMAC methodology is used to classify these parameters for a better understanding of their structure, and DEMATEL is employed to examine cause-and-effect relationships and linkages. The practical implications of this framework can assist institutions, experts, and academics in forecasting essential metrics and can complement existing studies on digital conversion and clean energy. By prioritizing these key parameters, improvements in convenience, efficiency, and the reduction of product fossilization can be achieved. The value and originality of this study lie in the novel advancements in analyzing digital conversion metrics in the European energy industry using a cohesive ISM, MICMAC, and DEMATEL framework.

    Citation: Anthony Bagherian, Mark Gershon, Sunil Kumar. Unveiling the nexus of digital conversion and clean energy: An ISM-MICMAC and DEMATEL perspective[J]. AIMS Energy, 2023, 11(5): 810-845. doi: 10.3934/energy.2023040

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  • Our aim is to develop a hierarchical framework that assesses the interdependence of digital metrics impacting clean energy in the European energy market. The framework is evaluated to determine its applicability to clean energy and implementation. We utilize a taxonomy of digital metrics with the MICMAC ("Matrice d'Impacts Croisés-Multiplication Appliquée à un Classement") methodology and a questionnaire-based survey using DEMATEL to validate the framework. This results in an efficient hierarchy and contextual relationship between key metrics in the European energy industry. We investigate and simulate ten key metrics of digital conversion for clean energy in the energy domain, identifying the most significant effects, including the "decision-making process" the "sustainable value chain" the "sustainable supply chain", "sustainable product life cycle", and the "interconnection of diverse equipment". The MICMAC methodology is used to classify these parameters for a better understanding of their structure, and DEMATEL is employed to examine cause-and-effect relationships and linkages. The practical implications of this framework can assist institutions, experts, and academics in forecasting essential metrics and can complement existing studies on digital conversion and clean energy. By prioritizing these key parameters, improvements in convenience, efficiency, and the reduction of product fossilization can be achieved. The value and originality of this study lie in the novel advancements in analyzing digital conversion metrics in the European energy industry using a cohesive ISM, MICMAC, and DEMATEL framework.


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