Research article

Cooling PV panels by free and forced convections: Experiments and comparative study

  • Received: 28 May 2023 Revised: 25 August 2023 Accepted: 28 August 2023 Published: 13 September 2023
  • This work concerns a comparative experimental study of cooling PV panels by free and forced convection and using finned plates. To this end, four prototypes are considered: the first one with a PV panel alone without cooling techniques, the second one consists of a PV panel with a rectangular finned plate attached to its rear surface and cooled by free convection, a third prototype consists of a PV panel cooled by forced convection by three axial-flow fans and a fourth prototype consists of a PV panel with a rectangular finned plate attached to its rear surface and cooled by forced convection by three axial-flow fans. Results showed an increase of 3.01% in the efficiency of the PV panel with finned plate under forced convection, an increase of 2.55% in the efficiency of the PV panel with finned plate under free convection and an increase of 2.10% in the efficiency of the PV panel under forced convection. Economic and environmental studies are also conducted and estimations of savings per year and amount of carbon dioxide emission reductions are provided.

    Citation: Tarek Ibrahim, Farouk Hachem, Mohamad Ramadan, Jalal Faraj, Georges El Achkar, Mahmoud Khaled. Cooling PV panels by free and forced convections: Experiments and comparative study[J]. AIMS Energy, 2023, 11(5): 774-794. doi: 10.3934/energy.2023038

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  • This work concerns a comparative experimental study of cooling PV panels by free and forced convection and using finned plates. To this end, four prototypes are considered: the first one with a PV panel alone without cooling techniques, the second one consists of a PV panel with a rectangular finned plate attached to its rear surface and cooled by free convection, a third prototype consists of a PV panel cooled by forced convection by three axial-flow fans and a fourth prototype consists of a PV panel with a rectangular finned plate attached to its rear surface and cooled by forced convection by three axial-flow fans. Results showed an increase of 3.01% in the efficiency of the PV panel with finned plate under forced convection, an increase of 2.55% in the efficiency of the PV panel with finned plate under free convection and an increase of 2.10% in the efficiency of the PV panel under forced convection. Economic and environmental studies are also conducted and estimations of savings per year and amount of carbon dioxide emission reductions are provided.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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