Research article

Voltage stability enhancement in grid-connected microgrid using enhanced dynamic voltage restorer (EDVR)

  • Received: 19 October 2020 Accepted: 21 December 2020 Published: 07 January 2021
  • Microgrid (MG) has extensive properties to overcome common problems of local distribution system. Some of those problems are generation and demand difference, blackout and brownout, environmental concerns due to burning of natural resources in power stations (indirectly), and reliability issues. Research on microgrid is being conducted to enhance its features to mitigate power quality (PQ) problems associated with distribution system. Voltage sag and swell have been major power quality problems for decades, loads in distribution system are heavily affected due to these power quality problems. In the distribution system, microgrid and power quality compensation strategy should be existed in order to ensure reliability and voltage sag/swell mitigation. Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is comprehensive power electronics based Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) device, it is third-generation FACTS device as its control scheme selection flexibility and power line coupling approach make it advance when compare to first and second-generation FACTS devices. In this paper, an Enhanced Dynamic Voltage Restorer (EDVR) is presented to efficiently mitigate voltage sag/swell in grid connected microgrid. On the one side, the presence of microgrid structure ensures reliability of distribution system for local loads on the other side, EDVR ensures voltage sag/swell free power supply for loads. The control strategy of EDVR is based on enhanced synchronous reference frame (ESRF) approach and fuzzy technique system. ESRF is specially design for fast and precise operation of EDVR whereas; fuzzy technique system is responsible for standardized voltage supply for local loads. DC link voltage of EDVR is effectively regulated with the help of proposed control scheme at the time of voltage sag/swell compensation. Stability analysis of ESRF control has been done using modeling of VSC and eigenvalue analysis system. Simulation results on MATLAB/Simulink verified the performance of EDVR under presented control approach hence the specific loads in distribution system are more secure under proposed microgrid system with EDVR.

    Citation: Ahsan Iqbal, Ayesha Ayoub, Asad Waqar, Azhar Ul-Haq, Muhammad Zahid, Syed Haider. Voltage stability enhancement in grid-connected microgrid using enhanced dynamic voltage restorer (EDVR)[J]. AIMS Energy, 2021, 9(1): 150-177. doi: 10.3934/energy.2021009

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  • Microgrid (MG) has extensive properties to overcome common problems of local distribution system. Some of those problems are generation and demand difference, blackout and brownout, environmental concerns due to burning of natural resources in power stations (indirectly), and reliability issues. Research on microgrid is being conducted to enhance its features to mitigate power quality (PQ) problems associated with distribution system. Voltage sag and swell have been major power quality problems for decades, loads in distribution system are heavily affected due to these power quality problems. In the distribution system, microgrid and power quality compensation strategy should be existed in order to ensure reliability and voltage sag/swell mitigation. Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is comprehensive power electronics based Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) device, it is third-generation FACTS device as its control scheme selection flexibility and power line coupling approach make it advance when compare to first and second-generation FACTS devices. In this paper, an Enhanced Dynamic Voltage Restorer (EDVR) is presented to efficiently mitigate voltage sag/swell in grid connected microgrid. On the one side, the presence of microgrid structure ensures reliability of distribution system for local loads on the other side, EDVR ensures voltage sag/swell free power supply for loads. The control strategy of EDVR is based on enhanced synchronous reference frame (ESRF) approach and fuzzy technique system. ESRF is specially design for fast and precise operation of EDVR whereas; fuzzy technique system is responsible for standardized voltage supply for local loads. DC link voltage of EDVR is effectively regulated with the help of proposed control scheme at the time of voltage sag/swell compensation. Stability analysis of ESRF control has been done using modeling of VSC and eigenvalue analysis system. Simulation results on MATLAB/Simulink verified the performance of EDVR under presented control approach hence the specific loads in distribution system are more secure under proposed microgrid system with EDVR.


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