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Towards sustainable airport waste management through the adoption of a "green" airport strategy: The case of Incheon International Airport

  • Received: 01 November 2022 Revised: 28 November 2022 Accepted: 06 December 2022 Published: 09 December 2022
  • One of the most significant environmental challenges confronting airports is their sustainable management of solid wastes. This is because airport's produce large volumes of wastes as a byproduct of their operations. Considering this, airports are increasingly focusing on managing their wastes in an environmentally sustainable manner. Using an in-depth longitudinal case study research approach, this study has examined Seoul's Incheon International Airport sustainable waste management. Incheon International Airport is a major air hub and is the home base for Korean Air. The study period was from 2010 to 2020. Incheon International Airport has six discrete waste streams: construction wastes, designated wastes, general wastes, incinerated wastes, landfill disposed wastes, and recycled wastes. The case study revealed that the airport aims to recycle wastes wherever possible. This policy has resulted in recycled wastes becoming the airport's largest source of wastes during the study period. At the airport, suitable combustible wastes are incinerated and the waste heat from the incineration is captured for further use by the airport. Incheon International Airport has undertaken substantial construction works during the study period, and these were the airport's second most significant waste stream during the study period. In the case of waste construction items, these wastes are handled by external waste treatment firms or alternatively they are incinerated by the airport. To underpin its sustainable waste management, the airport operates a recycling center that is equipped with can compressors and separators which ensures an efficient resource cycling system. A resource classification treatment facility is also used to efficiently manage and enhance the recycle rate of wastes from the airport's facilities and its operations.

    Citation: Glenn Baxter. Towards sustainable airport waste management through the adoption of a 'green' airport strategy: The case of Incheon International Airport[J]. Clean Technologies and Recycling, 2022, 2(4): 247-278. doi: 10.3934/ctr.2022013

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  • One of the most significant environmental challenges confronting airports is their sustainable management of solid wastes. This is because airport's produce large volumes of wastes as a byproduct of their operations. Considering this, airports are increasingly focusing on managing their wastes in an environmentally sustainable manner. Using an in-depth longitudinal case study research approach, this study has examined Seoul's Incheon International Airport sustainable waste management. Incheon International Airport is a major air hub and is the home base for Korean Air. The study period was from 2010 to 2020. Incheon International Airport has six discrete waste streams: construction wastes, designated wastes, general wastes, incinerated wastes, landfill disposed wastes, and recycled wastes. The case study revealed that the airport aims to recycle wastes wherever possible. This policy has resulted in recycled wastes becoming the airport's largest source of wastes during the study period. At the airport, suitable combustible wastes are incinerated and the waste heat from the incineration is captured for further use by the airport. Incheon International Airport has undertaken substantial construction works during the study period, and these were the airport's second most significant waste stream during the study period. In the case of waste construction items, these wastes are handled by external waste treatment firms or alternatively they are incinerated by the airport. To underpin its sustainable waste management, the airport operates a recycling center that is equipped with can compressors and separators which ensures an efficient resource cycling system. A resource classification treatment facility is also used to efficiently manage and enhance the recycle rate of wastes from the airport's facilities and its operations.


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