Research article

A characteristics approach to shock formation in 2D Euler with azimuthal symmetry and entropy

  • Received: 16 December 2024 Revised: 03 January 2025 Accepted: 10 February 2025 Published: 04 March 2025
  • 35Q31, 35L67

  • We provide a detailed analysis of the shock formation process for the non-isentropic 2d Euler equations in azimuthal symmetry. We prove that from an open set of smooth and generic initial data, solutions of the Euler equations form a first singularity or gradient blow-up. This first singularity is termed a Hölder $ C^{\frac{1}{3}} $ pre-shock, and our analysis provides the first detailed description of this cusp solution. The novelty of this work relative to [1] is that we herein consider a much larger class of initial data, allow for a non-constant initial entropy, allow for a non-trivial sub-dominant Riemann variable, and introduce a host of new identities to avoid apparent derivative loss due to entropy gradients. The method of proof is also new and robust, exploring the transversality of the three different characteristic families to transform space derivatives into time derivatives. Our main result provides a fractional series expansion of the Euler solution about the pre-shock, whose coefficients are computed from the initial data.

    Citation: Isaac Neal, Steve Shkoller, Vlad Vicol. A characteristics approach to shock formation in 2D Euler with azimuthal symmetry and entropy[J]. Communications in Analysis and Mechanics, 2025, 17(1): 188-236. doi: 10.3934/cam.2025009

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  • We provide a detailed analysis of the shock formation process for the non-isentropic 2d Euler equations in azimuthal symmetry. We prove that from an open set of smooth and generic initial data, solutions of the Euler equations form a first singularity or gradient blow-up. This first singularity is termed a Hölder $ C^{\frac{1}{3}} $ pre-shock, and our analysis provides the first detailed description of this cusp solution. The novelty of this work relative to [1] is that we herein consider a much larger class of initial data, allow for a non-constant initial entropy, allow for a non-trivial sub-dominant Riemann variable, and introduce a host of new identities to avoid apparent derivative loss due to entropy gradients. The method of proof is also new and robust, exploring the transversality of the three different characteristic families to transform space derivatives into time derivatives. Our main result provides a fractional series expansion of the Euler solution about the pre-shock, whose coefficients are computed from the initial data.


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