As in other elds, search engines have been heavily used as an information accessing tool for massive amount of medical literature data. This research investigates the user's learning during interactive searching process with the PubMed data, to nd out what search behaviors would be associated with the user's perceived learning, and whether or not the user's perceived learning could be re ected in the existing search performance measures, so that such measures could also be used for indicating learning during searching process. The research used a data set collected by a research project on searching, which involved 35 participants at a major US university. The results show that the number of documents saved is signi cantly correlated with perceived learning for all search topics. None of the classical search performance measures is correlated with perceived learning. However, for speci c topics, one of the performance measures, Recall, is signi cantly correlated with perceived learning. The results and the implications of the ndings are discussed.
Citation: Xiangmin Zhang. User perceived learning from interactive searching on big medical literature data[J]. Big Data and Information Analytics, 2017, 2(3): 239-254. doi: 10.3934/bdia.2017019
As in other elds, search engines have been heavily used as an information accessing tool for massive amount of medical literature data. This research investigates the user's learning during interactive searching process with the PubMed data, to nd out what search behaviors would be associated with the user's perceived learning, and whether or not the user's perceived learning could be re ected in the existing search performance measures, so that such measures could also be used for indicating learning during searching process. The research used a data set collected by a research project on searching, which involved 35 participants at a major US university. The results show that the number of documents saved is signi cantly correlated with perceived learning for all search topics. None of the classical search performance measures is correlated with perceived learning. However, for speci c topics, one of the performance measures, Recall, is signi cantly correlated with perceived learning. The results and the implications of the ndings are discussed.
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