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Improve pineapples growth by nano-membranes accessory and under stress condition in far north of Taiwan

  • Received: 03 March 2021 Accepted: 15 July 2021 Published: 10 August 2021
  • The dual layers of Nano-membranes barrier, could succeeded in regulation nutrient element and control water-borne disease by improving aerations through added dual layers of nano-membranes, this plantation model provide concept of providing hydrophilic properties and 500 nm pore size believed to be much precision tools for agricultural utilization. This rebuilding of pineapple cultivation was optimized in green-house with natural ventilation, Optimized humidity and free watering were properly practiced by implement of diffusion cage for a novel revealed boundary effect by 500 nm mold inject product. Effect indicated as indicated: Cellulose, PBT, CTA in sequence have better boundary effects over limiting the diffusion of nitrate, phosphate, and a small part of potassium in the root boundary regime through proper moisture with 0.5–0.8 L/pot button irrigation, The intensity of boundary effect were revealed in kinetic analysis follow in sequence: EC (1500 mg L−1) > > nitrate (300 mg L−1) > TPO (2.5 mg L−1), while highly fluctuate for TPO. Then indication of hydrophilic PBT was better than PP was verified in barrier model. In the growth stage, separate initial I–III for direct releasing from the fertilizer and III–VI for hydrolysis & secretion of nutrient, especially for TPO anion form, indicate highly ion charged or polar attraction exerted. While phosphate was delivered slowly, the organic practice was found promising in deliver and uptake to the final two or three stage for flowering and fruiting. The verification of deliver of nutrient by double caged box in the rhigime zone, indicated effective in lowered the damping off/nematode syndrome, which opened the extension cropping in suboptimal area for pineapples. The success of growth character improved by control disease and pest, reach complete maturation. Under 80 % of final fruiting, the balance analysis show consistence in expectation for Pya (wild) > Pyc (hybrid) > Pyb (interbreed).

    Citation: Dinh Thi Hong Thanh, Yu Kaung Chang, Son Zuang Chen, Hsiao Dao Chang. Improve pineapples growth by nano-membranes accessory and under stress condition in far north of Taiwan[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2021, 6(3): 799-817. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2021049

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  • The dual layers of Nano-membranes barrier, could succeeded in regulation nutrient element and control water-borne disease by improving aerations through added dual layers of nano-membranes, this plantation model provide concept of providing hydrophilic properties and 500 nm pore size believed to be much precision tools for agricultural utilization. This rebuilding of pineapple cultivation was optimized in green-house with natural ventilation, Optimized humidity and free watering were properly practiced by implement of diffusion cage for a novel revealed boundary effect by 500 nm mold inject product. Effect indicated as indicated: Cellulose, PBT, CTA in sequence have better boundary effects over limiting the diffusion of nitrate, phosphate, and a small part of potassium in the root boundary regime through proper moisture with 0.5–0.8 L/pot button irrigation, The intensity of boundary effect were revealed in kinetic analysis follow in sequence: EC (1500 mg L−1) > > nitrate (300 mg L−1) > TPO (2.5 mg L−1), while highly fluctuate for TPO. Then indication of hydrophilic PBT was better than PP was verified in barrier model. In the growth stage, separate initial I–III for direct releasing from the fertilizer and III–VI for hydrolysis & secretion of nutrient, especially for TPO anion form, indicate highly ion charged or polar attraction exerted. While phosphate was delivered slowly, the organic practice was found promising in deliver and uptake to the final two or three stage for flowering and fruiting. The verification of deliver of nutrient by double caged box in the rhigime zone, indicated effective in lowered the damping off/nematode syndrome, which opened the extension cropping in suboptimal area for pineapples. The success of growth character improved by control disease and pest, reach complete maturation. Under 80 % of final fruiting, the balance analysis show consistence in expectation for Pya (wild) > Pyc (hybrid) > Pyb (interbreed).


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