Research article

Exploring the heterogeneity of stock market responses to Uber announcements: A comparative analysis of developed and emerging economies in Asia Pacific

  • Received: 19 January 2024 Revised: 11 April 2024 Accepted: 07 May 2024 Published: 13 May 2024
  • JEL Codes: G14, G15, O16

  • I investigated Uber's strategic announcements' impact on stock markets within the Asia Pacific region, distinguishing developed and emerging economies. Utilizing data, I applied the "Index Impact Test" and "Stock Response Test" to analyze market responses. I found that in developed economies, stock indices experienced a negative trend before announcements and a positive trend thereafter. In contrast, emerging economies exhibited a positive response exclusively after announcements. I also explored the performance of Uber's stock, demonstrating positive post-announcement effects in both economy types, with emerging economies showing sustained positivity. Further, I expanded to assess Uber's influence on other peer-to-peer (P2P) companies, specifically Lyft and Airbnb, offering insights into the broader implications of Uber's announcements across the P2P sector. The findings suggested that Lyft received a positive market response in developed and emerging economies, while Airbnb's response in developed economies tended to be negative post-announcement.

    Citation: Tchai Tavor. Exploring the heterogeneity of stock market responses to Uber announcements: A comparative analysis of developed and emerging economies in Asia Pacific[J]. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2024, 8(2): 315-346. doi: 10.3934/QFE.2024012

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  • I investigated Uber's strategic announcements' impact on stock markets within the Asia Pacific region, distinguishing developed and emerging economies. Utilizing data, I applied the "Index Impact Test" and "Stock Response Test" to analyze market responses. I found that in developed economies, stock indices experienced a negative trend before announcements and a positive trend thereafter. In contrast, emerging economies exhibited a positive response exclusively after announcements. I also explored the performance of Uber's stock, demonstrating positive post-announcement effects in both economy types, with emerging economies showing sustained positivity. Further, I expanded to assess Uber's influence on other peer-to-peer (P2P) companies, specifically Lyft and Airbnb, offering insights into the broader implications of Uber's announcements across the P2P sector. The findings suggested that Lyft received a positive market response in developed and emerging economies, while Airbnb's response in developed economies tended to be negative post-announcement.


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