Research article

A closed-loop green supply chain with retailers' competition and product recycling in the green environment under the cap-and-trade policy

  • Received: 03 February 2024 Revised: 09 March 2024 Accepted: 15 March 2024 Published: 22 March 2024
  • JEL Codes: Q4, Q5, C7

  • Nowadays, product recycling has become an effective strategy for manufacturing industries to achieve sustainable development due to the scarcity of natural resources, waste management, and greenhouse gas emissions. This study considered an imperfect production-based competitive supply chain model for product recycling in an emission-reduction environment under a cap-and-trade scheme. The manufacturer invests in green technology to restrict carbon emissions during production. The recycler collects used items at a recovery rate depending on the buy-back price and environmental awareness effort. The rival retailers compete against each other for the retail price and promotional effort. The linear type of market demand depends on the retail price, promotional effort, and green level of the product. The proposed model was analyzed analytically and numerically under one centralized system, five decentralized systems, three Stackelberg, and two Nash game structures. Numerical examples and sensitivity analysis of the key parameters were studied to justify the feasibility of the proposed model. The present study revealed that the centralized scenario is mostly preferable for supply chain profit. The manufacturer-Stackelberg 1 scenario is most profitable for the manufacturer, whereas the two retailers collect maximum individual profit in the vertical Nash 2 model, where they jointly play the game. Moreover, retail price plays a crucial role in optimizing individual retailers' profits in the competitive market. In connection with the environmental aspects, the government should offer lower carbon caps to curtail excessive emissions and restrict the selling of excess carbon quotas.

    Citation: Brojeswar Pal, Anindya Mandal, Shib Sankar Sana. A closed-loop green supply chain with retailers' competition and product recycling in the green environment under the cap-and-trade policy[J]. Green Finance, 2024, 6(1): 117-161. doi: 10.3934/GF.2024006

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  • Nowadays, product recycling has become an effective strategy for manufacturing industries to achieve sustainable development due to the scarcity of natural resources, waste management, and greenhouse gas emissions. This study considered an imperfect production-based competitive supply chain model for product recycling in an emission-reduction environment under a cap-and-trade scheme. The manufacturer invests in green technology to restrict carbon emissions during production. The recycler collects used items at a recovery rate depending on the buy-back price and environmental awareness effort. The rival retailers compete against each other for the retail price and promotional effort. The linear type of market demand depends on the retail price, promotional effort, and green level of the product. The proposed model was analyzed analytically and numerically under one centralized system, five decentralized systems, three Stackelberg, and two Nash game structures. Numerical examples and sensitivity analysis of the key parameters were studied to justify the feasibility of the proposed model. The present study revealed that the centralized scenario is mostly preferable for supply chain profit. The manufacturer-Stackelberg 1 scenario is most profitable for the manufacturer, whereas the two retailers collect maximum individual profit in the vertical Nash 2 model, where they jointly play the game. Moreover, retail price plays a crucial role in optimizing individual retailers' profits in the competitive market. In connection with the environmental aspects, the government should offer lower carbon caps to curtail excessive emissions and restrict the selling of excess carbon quotas.


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