Research article

Green finance engagement: An empirical study of listed companies on Chinese main board

  • Received: 26 October 2022 Revised: 29 November 2022 Accepted: 20 December 2022 Published: 10 January 2023
  • JEL Codes: G30, M14, O16, Q56

  • Using textual analysis, this paper divides green finance into green initiatives and green business activities. The former discusses whether environmental initiatives shall be signed, while the latter explores whether various emerging green commodities and services are provided. This paper investigates the influence of corporate size, the degree of internationalization, profits and competitiveness on the engagement degree of green finance, according to data collected from 410 Chinese listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The results show that corporate size exerts a positive influence on green initiatives, and that the degree of internationalization, profits and corporate competitiveness of an enterprise each have a significant effect on green business activities. In addition, profits have a negative influence on green business activities. This paper provides insights and suggestions for developing green business activities in China.

    Citation: Yicong Huang, Kaidong Yu, Chao Huang. Green finance engagement: An empirical study of listed companies on Chinese main board[J]. Green Finance, 2023, 5(1): 1-17. doi: 10.3934/GF.2023001

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  • Using textual analysis, this paper divides green finance into green initiatives and green business activities. The former discusses whether environmental initiatives shall be signed, while the latter explores whether various emerging green commodities and services are provided. This paper investigates the influence of corporate size, the degree of internationalization, profits and competitiveness on the engagement degree of green finance, according to data collected from 410 Chinese listed companies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The results show that corporate size exerts a positive influence on green initiatives, and that the degree of internationalization, profits and corporate competitiveness of an enterprise each have a significant effect on green business activities. In addition, profits have a negative influence on green business activities. This paper provides insights and suggestions for developing green business activities in China.


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