Research article

The impact of heterogeneous environmental regulations on the technology innovation of urban green energy: a study based on the panel threshold model

  • Received: 12 December 2021 Revised: 18 February 2022 Accepted: 25 February 2022 Published: 28 February 2022
  • JEL Codes: J23, P18

  • Since the Porter hypothesis was proposed, environmental regulation has been recognized as a critical factor influencing technology innovation. However, there is no unified conclusion on whether the relationship between the two is linear or non-linear, and environmental regulation is always examined from single angles. Therefore, according to the difference of environmental regulation implementation subjects, this paper divides environmental regulation into formal regulation and informal regulation. Utilizing the panel data of 281 prefecture-level and above cities in China from 2011-2019, the non-linear effects of heterogeneous environmental regulations on green energy technology innovation are analyzed based on the panel threshold model, and the non-linear relationship between the two under the difference in urban economic development level is further considered. The results indicate that: (1) The threshold effect of the environmental regulations on China's green energy technology innovation is significant, and there is heterogeneity in the effects of different environmental regulations. (2) At present, positive relationship are observed between the informal environmental regulation and green energy technology innovation in China, while the formal environmental regulation exerts a significant inhibitory effect on green energy technology innovation. (3) The level of regional economic development plays a significantly positive role in moderating the relationship between environmental regulation and green energy innovation. However, there exists a certain heterogeneity in the moderating role between the formal regulation-innovation link and informal regulation-innovation relationship. This study provides a reference for further clarifying the relationship between heterogeneous environmental regulations and green energy technology innovation.

    Citation: Xueying Xu, Peng Hou, Yue Liu. The impact of heterogeneous environmental regulations on the technology innovation of urban green energy: a study based on the panel threshold model[J]. Green Finance, 2022, 4(1): 115-136. doi: 10.3934/GF.2022006

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  • Since the Porter hypothesis was proposed, environmental regulation has been recognized as a critical factor influencing technology innovation. However, there is no unified conclusion on whether the relationship between the two is linear or non-linear, and environmental regulation is always examined from single angles. Therefore, according to the difference of environmental regulation implementation subjects, this paper divides environmental regulation into formal regulation and informal regulation. Utilizing the panel data of 281 prefecture-level and above cities in China from 2011-2019, the non-linear effects of heterogeneous environmental regulations on green energy technology innovation are analyzed based on the panel threshold model, and the non-linear relationship between the two under the difference in urban economic development level is further considered. The results indicate that: (1) The threshold effect of the environmental regulations on China's green energy technology innovation is significant, and there is heterogeneity in the effects of different environmental regulations. (2) At present, positive relationship are observed between the informal environmental regulation and green energy technology innovation in China, while the formal environmental regulation exerts a significant inhibitory effect on green energy technology innovation. (3) The level of regional economic development plays a significantly positive role in moderating the relationship between environmental regulation and green energy innovation. However, there exists a certain heterogeneity in the moderating role between the formal regulation-innovation link and informal regulation-innovation relationship. This study provides a reference for further clarifying the relationship between heterogeneous environmental regulations and green energy technology innovation.


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