Research article Special Issues

Crack growth by vanishing viscosity in planar elasticity

  • Received: 21 June 2019 Accepted: 25 November 2019 Published: 09 December 2019
  • We show the existence of quasistatic evolutions in a fracture model for brittle materials by a vanishing viscosity approach, in the setting of planar linearized elasticity. Differently from previous works, the crack is not prescribed a priori and is selected in a class of (unions of) regular curves. To prove the result, it is crucial to analyze the properties of the energy release rate showing that it is independent of the crack extension.

    Citation: Stefano Almi, Giuliano Lazzaroni, Ilaria Lucardesi. Crack growth by vanishing viscosity in planar elasticity[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2020, 2(1): 141-173. doi: 10.3934/mine.2020008

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  • We show the existence of quasistatic evolutions in a fracture model for brittle materials by a vanishing viscosity approach, in the setting of planar linearized elasticity. Differently from previous works, the crack is not prescribed a priori and is selected in a class of (unions of) regular curves. To prove the result, it is crucial to analyze the properties of the energy release rate showing that it is independent of the crack extension.


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