Research article

A thorough look at the (in)stability of piston-theoretic beams

  • Received: 27 April 2019 Accepted: 03 July 2019 Published: 31 July 2019
  • We consider a beam model representing the transverse deflections of a one dimensional elastic structure immersed in an axial fluid flow. The model includes a nonlinear elastic restoring force, with damping and non-conservative terms provided through the flow effects. Three different configurations are considered: a clamped panel, a hinged panel, and a flag (a cantilever clamped at the leading edge, free at the trailing edge). After providing the functional framework for the dynamics, recent results on well-posedness and long-time behavior of the associated solutions are presented. Having provided this theoretical context, in-depth numerical stability analyses follow, focusing both on the onset of flow-induced instability (flutter), and qualitative properties of the post-flutter dynamics across configurations. Modal approximations are utilized, as well as finite difference schemes.

    Citation: Jason Howell, Katelynn Huneycutt, Justin T. Webster, Spencer Wilder. A thorough look at the (in)stability of piston-theoretic beams[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2019, 1(3): 614-647. doi: 10.3934/mine.2019.3.614

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  • We consider a beam model representing the transverse deflections of a one dimensional elastic structure immersed in an axial fluid flow. The model includes a nonlinear elastic restoring force, with damping and non-conservative terms provided through the flow effects. Three different configurations are considered: a clamped panel, a hinged panel, and a flag (a cantilever clamped at the leading edge, free at the trailing edge). After providing the functional framework for the dynamics, recent results on well-posedness and long-time behavior of the associated solutions are presented. Having provided this theoretical context, in-depth numerical stability analyses follow, focusing both on the onset of flow-induced instability (flutter), and qualitative properties of the post-flutter dynamics across configurations. Modal approximations are utilized, as well as finite difference schemes.


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