Research article Special Issues

Modified UNet++ with atrous spatial pyramid pooling for blood cell image segmentation

  • Received: 07 September 2022 Revised: 12 October 2022 Accepted: 21 October 2022 Published: 31 October 2022
  • Blood cell image segmentation is an important part of the field of computer-aided diagnosis. However, due to the low contrast, large differences in cell morphology and the scarcity of labeled images, the segmentation performance of cells cannot meet the requirements of an actual diagnosis. To address the above limitations, we present a deep learning-based approach to study cell segmentation on pathological images. Specifically, the algorithm selects UNet++ as the backbone network to extract multi-scale features. Then, the skip connection is redesigned to improve the degradation problem and reduce the computational complexity. In addition, the atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASSP) is introduced to obtain cell image information features from each layer through different receptive domains. Finally, the multi-sided output fusion (MSOF) strategy is utilized to fuse the features of different semantic levels, so as to improve the accuracy of target segmentation. Experimental results on blood cell images for segmentation and classification (BCISC) dataset show that the proposed method has significant improvement in Matthew's correlation coefficient (Mcc), Dice and Jaccard values, which are better than the classical semantic segmentation network.

    Citation: Kun Lan, Jianzhen Cheng, Jinyun Jiang, Xiaoliang Jiang, Qile Zhang. Modified UNet++ with atrous spatial pyramid pooling for blood cell image segmentation[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(1): 1420-1433. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023064

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  • Blood cell image segmentation is an important part of the field of computer-aided diagnosis. However, due to the low contrast, large differences in cell morphology and the scarcity of labeled images, the segmentation performance of cells cannot meet the requirements of an actual diagnosis. To address the above limitations, we present a deep learning-based approach to study cell segmentation on pathological images. Specifically, the algorithm selects UNet++ as the backbone network to extract multi-scale features. Then, the skip connection is redesigned to improve the degradation problem and reduce the computational complexity. In addition, the atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASSP) is introduced to obtain cell image information features from each layer through different receptive domains. Finally, the multi-sided output fusion (MSOF) strategy is utilized to fuse the features of different semantic levels, so as to improve the accuracy of target segmentation. Experimental results on blood cell images for segmentation and classification (BCISC) dataset show that the proposed method has significant improvement in Matthew's correlation coefficient (Mcc), Dice and Jaccard values, which are better than the classical semantic segmentation network.


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