
Biofortification in Nigeria: A systematic review

  • Received: 22 August 2019 Accepted: 10 October 2019 Published: 24 October 2019
  • This paper classified the delivery strategy of pro-vitamin A biofortified crops in Nigeria and characterized the adoption pattern, determinants, and constraints to adoption. Forty papers were reviewed based on delivery strategies and organized into nine categories with cost effectiveness having the highest number of papers mentioned while sustainable approach has the least. Delivery authority, type of breeding technology, location-specific variable, farmland ownership and yield of improved varieties were determinants of adoption of biofortified cassava varieties stated in the papers. Major constraints to adoption included availability of resources, enabling environment for biofortification and undesirable traits due to instability of vitamin A during processing. The study concluded that the delivery strategies are similar to Harvestplus approach. Collaboration between Harvestplus and other agricultural research institutes in Nigeria was recommended.

    Citation: Robert Ugochukwu Onyeneke, Mark Umunna Amadi, Francis Chidi Anosike. Biofortification in Nigeria: A systematic review[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2019, 4(4): 892-906. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2019.4.892

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  • This paper classified the delivery strategy of pro-vitamin A biofortified crops in Nigeria and characterized the adoption pattern, determinants, and constraints to adoption. Forty papers were reviewed based on delivery strategies and organized into nine categories with cost effectiveness having the highest number of papers mentioned while sustainable approach has the least. Delivery authority, type of breeding technology, location-specific variable, farmland ownership and yield of improved varieties were determinants of adoption of biofortified cassava varieties stated in the papers. Major constraints to adoption included availability of resources, enabling environment for biofortification and undesirable traits due to instability of vitamin A during processing. The study concluded that the delivery strategies are similar to Harvestplus approach. Collaboration between Harvestplus and other agricultural research institutes in Nigeria was recommended.


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