
Narrative Review of Vitamin D and Its Specific Impact on Balance Capacity in Older Adults

  • Received: 16 November 2016 Accepted: 24 November 2016 Published: 30 November 2016
  • Introduction and Aims: Falls injuries among older adults, a widespread well-established contributor to high disability levels, excess morbidity and mortality rates, have many causes. This review examines the association between vitamin D levels and postural stability or balance control—a fairly consistent predictor of falls among older adults. Materials and Method: All relevant English language peer reviewed research publications detailing the relationship between vitamin D levels and balance control among the elderly were sought. Key words included “Vitamin D and Balance or Postural Control.” Databases used were Academic Search Complete, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Results: Analysis showed no consistent association to exist between the key variables of interest examined-indeed, despite years of study, there as many positive studies as negative studies, regardless of study design. Conclusion: More research is needed to support the use of vitamin D supplementation for purposes of improving balance capacity among older adults. Geriatric clinicians can however, expect this form of intervention to be more protective then not against falls injuries among those with both concomitant vitamin D deficiencies and poor balance control.

    Citation: Ray Marks. Narrative Review of Vitamin D and Its Specific Impact on Balance Capacity in Older Adults[J]. AIMS Medical Science, 2016, 3(4): 345-358. doi: 10.3934/medsci.2016.4.345

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  • Introduction and Aims: Falls injuries among older adults, a widespread well-established contributor to high disability levels, excess morbidity and mortality rates, have many causes. This review examines the association between vitamin D levels and postural stability or balance control—a fairly consistent predictor of falls among older adults. Materials and Method: All relevant English language peer reviewed research publications detailing the relationship between vitamin D levels and balance control among the elderly were sought. Key words included “Vitamin D and Balance or Postural Control.” Databases used were Academic Search Complete, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Results: Analysis showed no consistent association to exist between the key variables of interest examined-indeed, despite years of study, there as many positive studies as negative studies, regardless of study design. Conclusion: More research is needed to support the use of vitamin D supplementation for purposes of improving balance capacity among older adults. Geriatric clinicians can however, expect this form of intervention to be more protective then not against falls injuries among those with both concomitant vitamin D deficiencies and poor balance control.

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