Special issue on
modeling and control in social dynamics
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ
School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978
Rutgers University, Department of Mathematics, Business & Science Building Room 325, Camden, NJ 08102
Department of Mathematics,Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM), CSI Building, 406 University of Maryland College Park MD 20742
This Special Issue is based on research presented at the Workshop
``Modeling and Control of Social Dynamics", hosted by the Center
of Computational and Integrative Biology and the Department of Mathematical
Sciences at Rutgers University - Camden.
The Workshop is part of the activities
of the NSF Research Network in Mathematical Sciences:
``Kinetic description of emerging challenges in multiscale problems of natural sciences" Grant # 1107444, which is also acknowledged for funding the workshop.
For more information please click the “Full Text” above.
Citation: Pierre Degond, Gadi Fibich, Benedetto Piccoli, Eitan Tadmor. Special issue onmodeling and control in social dynamics[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2015, 10(3): i-ii. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2015.10.3i
This Special Issue is based on research presented at the Workshop
``Modeling and Control of Social Dynamics", hosted by the Center
of Computational and Integrative Biology and the Department of Mathematical
Sciences at Rutgers University - Camden.
The Workshop is part of the activities
of the NSF Research Network in Mathematical Sciences:
``Kinetic description of emerging challenges in multiscale problems of natural sciences" Grant # 1107444, which is also acknowledged for funding the workshop.
For more information please click the “Full Text” above.