The impact of cell crowding and active cell movement on vascular tumour growth
Centre for Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 24-29 St Giles', Oxford OX1 3LB
Centre for Mathematical Medicine, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
Bioinformatics Unit, Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
01 September 2006
Primary: 16P99.
A multiscale model for vascular tumour growth is presented which
includes systems of ordinary differential equations for the cell
cycle and regulation of apoptosis in individual cells, coupled to
partial differential equations for the spatio-temporal dynamics of
nutrient and key signalling chemicals. Furthermore, these
subcellular and tissue layers are incorporated into a cellular
automaton framework for cancerous and normal tissue with an
embedded vascular network. The model is the extension of previous
work and includes novel features such as cell movement and contact
inhibition. We present a detailed simulation study of the effects
of these additions on the invasive behaviour of tumour cells and
the tumour's response to chemotherapy. In particular, we find that
cell movement alone increases the rate of tumour growth and
expansion, but that increasing the tumour cell carrying capacity
leads to the formation of less invasive dense hypoxic tumours
containing fewer tumour cells. However, when an increased carrying
capacity is combined with significant tumour cell movement, the
tumour grows and spreads more rapidly, accompanied by large
spatio-temporal fluctuations in hypoxia, and hence in the number
of quiescent cells. Since, in the model, hypoxic/quiescent cells
produce VEGF which stimulates vascular adaptation, such
fluctuations can dramatically affect drug delivery and the degree
of success of chemotherapy.
Citation: Russell Betteridge, Markus R. Owen, H.M. Byrne, Tomás Alarcón, Philip K. Maini. The impact of cell crowding and active cell movement on vascular tumour growth[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2006, 1(4): 515-535. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2006.1.515
A multiscale model for vascular tumour growth is presented which
includes systems of ordinary differential equations for the cell
cycle and regulation of apoptosis in individual cells, coupled to
partial differential equations for the spatio-temporal dynamics of
nutrient and key signalling chemicals. Furthermore, these
subcellular and tissue layers are incorporated into a cellular
automaton framework for cancerous and normal tissue with an
embedded vascular network. The model is the extension of previous
work and includes novel features such as cell movement and contact
inhibition. We present a detailed simulation study of the effects
of these additions on the invasive behaviour of tumour cells and
the tumour's response to chemotherapy. In particular, we find that
cell movement alone increases the rate of tumour growth and
expansion, but that increasing the tumour cell carrying capacity
leads to the formation of less invasive dense hypoxic tumours
containing fewer tumour cells. However, when an increased carrying
capacity is combined with significant tumour cell movement, the
tumour grows and spreads more rapidly, accompanied by large
spatio-temporal fluctuations in hypoxia, and hence in the number
of quiescent cells. Since, in the model, hypoxic/quiescent cells
produce VEGF which stimulates vascular adaptation, such
fluctuations can dramatically affect drug delivery and the degree
of success of chemotherapy.