We describe, analyze, and test a direct numerical approach to a
homogenized problem in nonlinear elasticity at finite strain. The main advantage of this approach is that it does not modify the overall structure of
standard softwares in use for computational elasticity. Our analysis includes a
convergence result for a general class of energy densities and an error estimate
in the convex case. We relate this approach to the multiscale finite element
method and show our analysis also applies to this method. Microscopic buck-
ling and macroscopic instabilities are numerically investigated. The application
of our approach to some numerical tests on an idealized rubber foam is also
presented. For consistency a short review of the homogenization theory in
nonlinear elasticity is provided.
Citation: Antoine Gloria Cermics. A direct approach to numerical homogenization in finite elasticity[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2006, 1(1): 109-141. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2006.1.109
We describe, analyze, and test a direct numerical approach to a
homogenized problem in nonlinear elasticity at finite strain. The main advantage of this approach is that it does not modify the overall structure of
standard softwares in use for computational elasticity. Our analysis includes a
convergence result for a general class of energy densities and an error estimate
in the convex case. We relate this approach to the multiscale finite element
method and show our analysis also applies to this method. Microscopic buck-
ling and macroscopic instabilities are numerically investigated. The application
of our approach to some numerical tests on an idealized rubber foam is also
presented. For consistency a short review of the homogenization theory in
nonlinear elasticity is provided.