Research article Special Issues

Aberrant intrinsic functional brain topology in methamphetamine-dependent individuals after six-months of abstinence

  • Received: 10 August 2023 Revised: 05 October 2023 Accepted: 16 October 2023 Published: 25 October 2023
  • Our aim was to explore the aberrant intrinsic functional topology in methamphetamine-dependent individuals after six months of abstinence using resting-state functional magnetic imaging (rs-fMRI). Eleven methamphetamines (MA) abstainers who have abstained for six months and eleven healthy controls (HC) were recruited for rs-fMRI examination. The graph theory and functional connectivity (FC) analysis were employed to investigate the aberrant intrinsic functional brain topology between the two groups at multiple levels. Compared with the HC group, the characteristic shortest path length ($ {L}_{p} $) showed a significant decrease at the global level, while the global efficiency ($ {E}_{glob} $) and local efficiency ($ {E}_{loc} $) showed an increase considerably. After FDR correction, we found significant group differences in nodal degree and nodal efficiency at the regional level in the ventral attentional network (VAN), dorsal attentional network (DAN), somatosensory network (SMN), visual network (VN) and default mode network (DMN). In addition, the NBS method presented the aberrations in edge-based FC, including frontoparietal network (FPN), subcortical network (SCN), VAN, DAN, SMN, VN and DMN. Moreover, the FC of large-scale functional brain networks revealed a decrease within the VN and SCN and between the networks. These findings suggest that some functions, e.g., visual processing skills, object recognition and memory, may not fully recover after six months of withdrawal. This leads to the possibility of relapse behavior when confronted with MA-related cues, which may contribute to explaining the relapse mechanism. We also provide an imaging basis for revealing the neural mechanism of MA-dependency after six months of abstinence.

    Citation: Xiang Li, Jinyu Cong, Kunmeng Liu, Pingping Wang, Min Sun, Benzheng Wei. Aberrant intrinsic functional brain topology in methamphetamine-dependent individuals after six-months of abstinence[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(11): 19565-19583. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023867

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  • Our aim was to explore the aberrant intrinsic functional topology in methamphetamine-dependent individuals after six months of abstinence using resting-state functional magnetic imaging (rs-fMRI). Eleven methamphetamines (MA) abstainers who have abstained for six months and eleven healthy controls (HC) were recruited for rs-fMRI examination. The graph theory and functional connectivity (FC) analysis were employed to investigate the aberrant intrinsic functional brain topology between the two groups at multiple levels. Compared with the HC group, the characteristic shortest path length ($ {L}_{p} $) showed a significant decrease at the global level, while the global efficiency ($ {E}_{glob} $) and local efficiency ($ {E}_{loc} $) showed an increase considerably. After FDR correction, we found significant group differences in nodal degree and nodal efficiency at the regional level in the ventral attentional network (VAN), dorsal attentional network (DAN), somatosensory network (SMN), visual network (VN) and default mode network (DMN). In addition, the NBS method presented the aberrations in edge-based FC, including frontoparietal network (FPN), subcortical network (SCN), VAN, DAN, SMN, VN and DMN. Moreover, the FC of large-scale functional brain networks revealed a decrease within the VN and SCN and between the networks. These findings suggest that some functions, e.g., visual processing skills, object recognition and memory, may not fully recover after six months of withdrawal. This leads to the possibility of relapse behavior when confronted with MA-related cues, which may contribute to explaining the relapse mechanism. We also provide an imaging basis for revealing the neural mechanism of MA-dependency after six months of abstinence.


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