Research article

Indoor high-precision visible light positioning system using Jaya algorithm

  • Received: 10 January 2023 Revised: 19 March 2023 Accepted: 20 March 2023 Published: 03 April 2023
  • Several indoor positioning systems that utilize visible light communication (VLC) have recently been developed. Due to the simple implementation and high precision, most of these systems are dependent on received signal strength (RSS). The position of the receiver can be estimated according to the positioning principle of the RSS. To improve positioning precision, an indoor three-dimensional (3D) visible light positioning (VLP) system with the Jaya algorithm is proposed. In contrast to other positioning algorithms, the Jaya algorithm has a simple structure with only one phase and achieves high accuracy without controlling the parameter settings. The simulation results show that an average error of 1.06 cm is achieved using the Jaya algorithm in 3D indoor positioning. The average errors of 3D positioning using the Harris Hawks optimization algorithm (HHO), ant colony algorithm with an area-based optimization model (ACO-ABOM), and modified artificial fish swam algorithm (MAFSA) are 2.21 cm, 1.86 cm and 1.56 cm, respectively. Furthermore, simulation experiments are performed in motion scenes, where a high-precision positioning error of 0.84 cm is achieved. The proposed algorithm is an efficient method for indoor localization and outperforms other indoor positioning algorithms.

    Citation: Cuicui Cai, Maosheng Fu, Xianmeng Meng, Chaochuan Jia, Mingjing Pei. Indoor high-precision visible light positioning system using Jaya algorithm[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(6): 10358-10375. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023454

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  • Several indoor positioning systems that utilize visible light communication (VLC) have recently been developed. Due to the simple implementation and high precision, most of these systems are dependent on received signal strength (RSS). The position of the receiver can be estimated according to the positioning principle of the RSS. To improve positioning precision, an indoor three-dimensional (3D) visible light positioning (VLP) system with the Jaya algorithm is proposed. In contrast to other positioning algorithms, the Jaya algorithm has a simple structure with only one phase and achieves high accuracy without controlling the parameter settings. The simulation results show that an average error of 1.06 cm is achieved using the Jaya algorithm in 3D indoor positioning. The average errors of 3D positioning using the Harris Hawks optimization algorithm (HHO), ant colony algorithm with an area-based optimization model (ACO-ABOM), and modified artificial fish swam algorithm (MAFSA) are 2.21 cm, 1.86 cm and 1.56 cm, respectively. Furthermore, simulation experiments are performed in motion scenes, where a high-precision positioning error of 0.84 cm is achieved. The proposed algorithm is an efficient method for indoor localization and outperforms other indoor positioning algorithms.


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