Research article

Novel substitution-box generation using group theory for secure medical image encryption in E-healthcare

  • Received: 21 October 2023 Revised: 21 December 2023 Accepted: 02 January 2024 Published: 02 February 2024
  • With the increasing need for secure transmission and storage of medical images, the development of robust encryption algorithms is of paramount importance. Securing sensitive digital medical imagery information during transmission has emerged as a critical priority in the e-Healthcare systems. Recent research has highlighted the significance of developing advanced medical image encryption algorithms to ensure secure transmission during telediagnosis and teleconsultations. In this study, we propose a novel medical image encryption algorithm which is based on a novel substitution-box generation algebraic method using a combination of a multiplicative cyclic group with an order of 256 and a permutation group with a large order. To evaluate the security performance of the proposed generated S-box, various standard security indicators are assessed and analyzed. The newly proposed medical image encryption algorithm utilizes the generated S-box, along with bit-plane slicing, circular shifting, and XOR operations, to achieve enhanced security and robustness for encrypting sensitive imagery data. In order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed encryption algorithm, a comprehensive benchmarking analyses, specifically designed for evaluating image encryption schemes, have been conducted. The results obtained from the comparison and other analyses serve to validate the optimal features and high cryptographic strength exhibited by the proposed method. Hence, the proposed algorithm demonstrates significant effectiveness and holds considerable promise in the realm of medical image encryption for secure e-Healthcare systems.

    Citation: Abdul Razaq, Louai A. Maghrabi, Musheer Ahmad, Qamar H. Naith. Novel substitution-box generation using group theory for secure medical image encryption in E-healthcare[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(3): 6207-6237. doi: 10.3934/math.2024303

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  • With the increasing need for secure transmission and storage of medical images, the development of robust encryption algorithms is of paramount importance. Securing sensitive digital medical imagery information during transmission has emerged as a critical priority in the e-Healthcare systems. Recent research has highlighted the significance of developing advanced medical image encryption algorithms to ensure secure transmission during telediagnosis and teleconsultations. In this study, we propose a novel medical image encryption algorithm which is based on a novel substitution-box generation algebraic method using a combination of a multiplicative cyclic group with an order of 256 and a permutation group with a large order. To evaluate the security performance of the proposed generated S-box, various standard security indicators are assessed and analyzed. The newly proposed medical image encryption algorithm utilizes the generated S-box, along with bit-plane slicing, circular shifting, and XOR operations, to achieve enhanced security and robustness for encrypting sensitive imagery data. In order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed encryption algorithm, a comprehensive benchmarking analyses, specifically designed for evaluating image encryption schemes, have been conducted. The results obtained from the comparison and other analyses serve to validate the optimal features and high cryptographic strength exhibited by the proposed method. Hence, the proposed algorithm demonstrates significant effectiveness and holds considerable promise in the realm of medical image encryption for secure e-Healthcare systems.


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