Research article

A new $ H_{\infty} $ control method of switched nonlinear systems with persistent dwell time: $ H_{\infty} $ fuzzy control criterion with convergence rate constraints

  • Received: 14 July 2024 Revised: 11 August 2024 Accepted: 19 August 2024 Published: 10 September 2024
  • MSC : 34D20, 93B36, 93C42, 93D09, 93D20

  • This study aims to explore the problem of $ H_{\infty} $ fuzzy control with an adjustable convergence rate for switched nonlinear systems with time-varying delays under the persistent dwell time (PDT) switching. Compared to the widely studied dwell time (DT) switching or average dwell time (ADT) switching in existing literature, PDT switching provides a more comprehensive consideration of the switching frequency and has a broader range of applicability. Subsequently, by combining the interval stability definition, T-S fuzzy model, PDT technique, and Lyapunov-Krasovskii (L-K) functional, a new $ H_{\infty} $ fuzzy control criterion for adjusting the convergence rate of switched nonlinear systems with time-varying delays is proposed. This criterion enables the development of a novel method for constructing $ H_{\infty} $ fuzzy controllers, which can regulate the system's convergence rate and achieve the specified $ H_{\infty} $ performance. Combining the above methods, an algorithm is introduced to precisely control the convergence rate of the target system. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is validated through a control example of a single-link robot arm.

    Citation: Han Geng, Huasheng Zhang. A new $ H_{\infty} $ control method of switched nonlinear systems with persistent dwell time: $ H_{\infty} $ fuzzy control criterion with convergence rate constraints[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(9): 26092-26113. doi: 10.3934/math.20241275

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  • This study aims to explore the problem of $ H_{\infty} $ fuzzy control with an adjustable convergence rate for switched nonlinear systems with time-varying delays under the persistent dwell time (PDT) switching. Compared to the widely studied dwell time (DT) switching or average dwell time (ADT) switching in existing literature, PDT switching provides a more comprehensive consideration of the switching frequency and has a broader range of applicability. Subsequently, by combining the interval stability definition, T-S fuzzy model, PDT technique, and Lyapunov-Krasovskii (L-K) functional, a new $ H_{\infty} $ fuzzy control criterion for adjusting the convergence rate of switched nonlinear systems with time-varying delays is proposed. This criterion enables the development of a novel method for constructing $ H_{\infty} $ fuzzy controllers, which can regulate the system's convergence rate and achieve the specified $ H_{\infty} $ performance. Combining the above methods, an algorithm is introduced to precisely control the convergence rate of the target system. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is validated through a control example of a single-link robot arm.


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