Research article

Decision-making in diagnosing heart failure problems using basic rough sets

  • Correction on: AIMS Mathematics 9: 34270-34271
  • Received: 10 May 2024 Revised: 10 June 2024 Accepted: 14 June 2024 Published: 10 July 2024
  • MSC : 54A05, 54C10, 54H30, 68U35

  • This manuscript introduces novel rough approximation operators inspired by topological structures, which offer a more flexible approach than existing methods by extending the scope of applications through a reliance on a general binary relation without constraints. Initially, four distinct types of neighborhoods, termed basic-minimal neighborhoods, are generated from any binary relation. The relationships between these neighborhoods and their properties are elucidated. Subsequently, new rough set models are constructed from these neighborhoods, outlining the main characteristics of their lower and upper approximations. These approximations are applied to classify the subset regions and to compute the accuracy measures. The primary advantages of this approach include its ability to achieve the highest accuracy values compared to all approaches in the published literature and to maintain the monotonicity property of the accuracy and roughness measures. Furthermore, the efficacy of the proposed technique is demonstrated through the analysis of heart failure diagnosis data, showcasing a 100% accuracy rate compared to previous methods, thus highlighting its clinical significance. Additionally, the topological properties of the proposed approaches and the topologies generated from the suggested neighborhoods are discussed, positioning these methods as a bridge to more topological applications in the rough set theory. Finally, an algorithm and flowchart are developed to illustrate the determination and utilization of basic-minimal exact sets in decision-making problems.

    Citation: D. I. Taher, R. Abu-Gdairi, M. K. El-Bably, M. A. El-Gayar. Decision-making in diagnosing heart failure problems using basic rough sets[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(8): 21816-21847. doi: 10.3934/math.20241061

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  • This manuscript introduces novel rough approximation operators inspired by topological structures, which offer a more flexible approach than existing methods by extending the scope of applications through a reliance on a general binary relation without constraints. Initially, four distinct types of neighborhoods, termed basic-minimal neighborhoods, are generated from any binary relation. The relationships between these neighborhoods and their properties are elucidated. Subsequently, new rough set models are constructed from these neighborhoods, outlining the main characteristics of their lower and upper approximations. These approximations are applied to classify the subset regions and to compute the accuracy measures. The primary advantages of this approach include its ability to achieve the highest accuracy values compared to all approaches in the published literature and to maintain the monotonicity property of the accuracy and roughness measures. Furthermore, the efficacy of the proposed technique is demonstrated through the analysis of heart failure diagnosis data, showcasing a 100% accuracy rate compared to previous methods, thus highlighting its clinical significance. Additionally, the topological properties of the proposed approaches and the topologies generated from the suggested neighborhoods are discussed, positioning these methods as a bridge to more topological applications in the rough set theory. Finally, an algorithm and flowchart are developed to illustrate the determination and utilization of basic-minimal exact sets in decision-making problems.


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