Research article Special Issues

A combined intuitionistic fuzzy closeness coefficient and a double normalization-based WISP method to solve the gerontechnology selection problem for aging persons and people with disability

  • Received: 27 November 2022 Revised: 28 March 2023 Accepted: 29 March 2023 Published: 10 April 2023
  • MSC : 90B50

  • This study aims to introduce a decision-making framework for prioritizing gerontechnologies (GTs) for aging persons and people with disability under an intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) context. First, the intuitionistic fuzzy (IF)-divergence measure and its properties are developed to obtain the criteria weight. Second, a new exponential function-based score function and its properties for the IFS are introduced to order the different IFSs. Third, an IF-relative closeness coefficient (RCC)-based method is proposed to determine the criteria weights. Fourth, the double normalization (DN) procedure-based weighted integrated sum product (WISP) approach is introduced under the IFSs. To demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the proposed IF-RCC-DN-WISP model, a case study that involves ranking the different GTs for aging persons and people with disability is conducted from an IF perspective. The results of the developed model show that mobility is the most appropriate gerontechnology for aging persons and people with disability. A comparison with different models is also performed to prove the superiority of the obtained results. The comparative study shows how the developed model outperforms the other extant models, as it can offer more sensible outcomes. Therefore, it is more suitable and efficient for expressing uncertain information when treating practical decision-making problems.

    Citation: Ibrahim M. Hezam, Pratibha Rani, Arunodaya Raj Mishra, Ahmad M. Alshamrani. A combined intuitionistic fuzzy closeness coefficient and a double normalization-based WISP method to solve the gerontechnology selection problem for aging persons and people with disability[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(6): 13680-13705. doi: 10.3934/math.2023695

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  • This study aims to introduce a decision-making framework for prioritizing gerontechnologies (GTs) for aging persons and people with disability under an intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) context. First, the intuitionistic fuzzy (IF)-divergence measure and its properties are developed to obtain the criteria weight. Second, a new exponential function-based score function and its properties for the IFS are introduced to order the different IFSs. Third, an IF-relative closeness coefficient (RCC)-based method is proposed to determine the criteria weights. Fourth, the double normalization (DN) procedure-based weighted integrated sum product (WISP) approach is introduced under the IFSs. To demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the proposed IF-RCC-DN-WISP model, a case study that involves ranking the different GTs for aging persons and people with disability is conducted from an IF perspective. The results of the developed model show that mobility is the most appropriate gerontechnology for aging persons and people with disability. A comparison with different models is also performed to prove the superiority of the obtained results. The comparative study shows how the developed model outperforms the other extant models, as it can offer more sensible outcomes. Therefore, it is more suitable and efficient for expressing uncertain information when treating practical decision-making problems.


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