Research article

A computational method for investigating a quantum integrodifferential inclusion with simulations and heatmaps

  • Received: 07 August 2023 Revised: 26 August 2023 Accepted: 03 September 2023 Published: 25 September 2023
  • MSC : 34A08, 34A12

  • We aim to investigate an integro-differential inclusion using a novel computational approach in this research. The use of quantum calculus, and consequently the creation of discrete space, allows the computer and computational algorithms to solve our desired problem. Furthermore, to guarantee the existence of the solution, we use the endpoint property based on fixed point methods, which is one of the most recent techniques in fixed point theory. The above will show the novelty of our work, because most researchers use classical fixed point techniques in continuous space. Moreover, the sensitivity of the parameters involved in controlling the existence of the solution can be recognized from the heatmaps. For a better understanding of the issue and validation of the results, we presented numerical algorithms, tables and some figures in our examples that are presented at the end of the work.

    Citation: Shahram Rezapour, Sabri T. M. Thabet, Imed Kedim, Miguel Vivas-Cortez, Mehran Ghaderi. A computational method for investigating a quantum integrodifferential inclusion with simulations and heatmaps[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(11): 27241-27267. doi: 10.3934/math.20231394

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  • We aim to investigate an integro-differential inclusion using a novel computational approach in this research. The use of quantum calculus, and consequently the creation of discrete space, allows the computer and computational algorithms to solve our desired problem. Furthermore, to guarantee the existence of the solution, we use the endpoint property based on fixed point methods, which is one of the most recent techniques in fixed point theory. The above will show the novelty of our work, because most researchers use classical fixed point techniques in continuous space. Moreover, the sensitivity of the parameters involved in controlling the existence of the solution can be recognized from the heatmaps. For a better understanding of the issue and validation of the results, we presented numerical algorithms, tables and some figures in our examples that are presented at the end of the work.


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