Research article

$ \acute{C} $iri$ \acute{c} $-Reich-Rus type weakly contractive mappings and related fixed point results in modular-like spaces with application

  • Received: 05 April 2022 Revised: 27 June 2022 Accepted: 27 June 2022 Published: 06 July 2022
  • MSC : 46E30, 47H10, 54H25

  • In this article, we define a new space named the modular-like space with its related concepts to prove the existence of a fixed point and a point of coincidence for mappings on this space. Also, we defined $ \acute{C} $iri$ \acute{c} $-Reich-Rus type weakly contractive mappings on modular-like spaces and discussed some conditions that guarantee the existence of the fixed points for these kind of mappings. Some examples are also provided to elaborate the usability of our main results. It is worth mentioning that a modular-like space is a generalization of a modular space, thus our theorems are more general and applicable than the fixed point theorems on modular spaces.

    Citation: Fatemeh Lael, Naeem Saleem, Işık Hüseyin, Manuel de la Sen. $ \acute{C} $iri$ \acute{c} $-Reich-Rus type weakly contractive mappings and related fixed point results in modular-like spaces with application[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(9): 16422-16439. doi: 10.3934/math.2022898

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  • In this article, we define a new space named the modular-like space with its related concepts to prove the existence of a fixed point and a point of coincidence for mappings on this space. Also, we defined $ \acute{C} $iri$ \acute{c} $-Reich-Rus type weakly contractive mappings on modular-like spaces and discussed some conditions that guarantee the existence of the fixed points for these kind of mappings. Some examples are also provided to elaborate the usability of our main results. It is worth mentioning that a modular-like space is a generalization of a modular space, thus our theorems are more general and applicable than the fixed point theorems on modular spaces.


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