Research article

Existence and stability of solutions of $ \psi $-Hilfer fractional functional differential inclusions with non-instantaneous impulses

  • Received: 20 April 2021 Accepted: 14 July 2021 Published: 26 July 2021
  • MSC : Primary 26A33, 34A08; Secondary 34A60

  • In this paper, we prove two existence results of solutions for an $ \psi $-Hilfer fractional non-instantaneous impulsive differential inclusion in the presence of delay in an infinite dimensional Banah spaces. Then, by using the multivalued weakly Picard operator theory, we study the stability of solutions for the considered problem in the sense of $ \psi $-generalized Ulam-Hyers. To achieve our aim, we present a relation between any solution of the considered problem and the corresponding fractional integral equation. The given problem here is new because it contains a delay and non-instantaneous impulses effect. Examples are given to clarify the possibility of applicability our assumptions.

    Citation: A.G. Ibrahim, A.A. Elmandouh. Existence and stability of solutions of $ \psi $-Hilfer fractional functional differential inclusions with non-instantaneous impulses[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(10): 10802-10832. doi: 10.3934/math.2021628

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  • In this paper, we prove two existence results of solutions for an $ \psi $-Hilfer fractional non-instantaneous impulsive differential inclusion in the presence of delay in an infinite dimensional Banah spaces. Then, by using the multivalued weakly Picard operator theory, we study the stability of solutions for the considered problem in the sense of $ \psi $-generalized Ulam-Hyers. To achieve our aim, we present a relation between any solution of the considered problem and the corresponding fractional integral equation. The given problem here is new because it contains a delay and non-instantaneous impulses effect. Examples are given to clarify the possibility of applicability our assumptions.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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