Research article

Global existence and new decay results of a viscoelastic wave equation with variable exponent and logarithmic nonlinearities

  • Received: 12 May 2021 Accepted: 02 July 2021 Published: 09 July 2021
  • MSC : 35B37; 35L55; 74D05; 93D15; 93D20

  • In this paper, we consider the following viscoelastic problem with variable exponent and logarithmic nonlinearities:

    $ u_{tt}-\Delta u+u+ \int_0^tb(t-s)\Delta u(s)ds+|u_t|^{{\gamma}(\cdot)-2}u_t = u\ln{\vert u\vert^{\alpha}}, $

    where $ {\gamma}(.) $ is a function satisfying some conditions. We first prove a global existence result using the well-depth method and then establish explicit and general decay results under a wide class of relaxation functions and some specific conditions on the variable exponent function. Our results extend and generalize many earlier results in the literature.

    Citation: Mohammad M. Al-Gharabli, Adel M. Al-Mahdi, Mohammad Kafini. Global existence and new decay results of a viscoelastic wave equation with variable exponent and logarithmic nonlinearities[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(9): 10105-10129. doi: 10.3934/math.2021587

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  • In this paper, we consider the following viscoelastic problem with variable exponent and logarithmic nonlinearities:

    $ u_{tt}-\Delta u+u+ \int_0^tb(t-s)\Delta u(s)ds+|u_t|^{{\gamma}(\cdot)-2}u_t = u\ln{\vert u\vert^{\alpha}}, $

    where $ {\gamma}(.) $ is a function satisfying some conditions. We first prove a global existence result using the well-depth method and then establish explicit and general decay results under a wide class of relaxation functions and some specific conditions on the variable exponent function. Our results extend and generalize many earlier results in the literature.


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