Research article Special Issues

Entropy Analysis for boundary layer Micropolar fluid flow

  • Received: 28 September 2019 Accepted: 09 February 2020 Published: 21 February 2020
  • MSC : 74A15, 76D10, 76S05

  • This paper reports entropy generation analysis of radiative micropolar fluid flow in porous medium. The mathematical model depicting convective boundary layer flow due to a vertically moving infinite plate bounding the porous medium on one side is solved numerically. An implicit finite difference method together with Gauss elimination method is used. The numerically computed velocity and temperature fields are employed to analyze entropy. The plots for entropy generation number for various sets of parameters are drawn. It is found that entropy generation number Ns decreases with increasing values of heat sink parameter Q and radiation parameter N whereas it increases with increasing values of Grashoff number Gr, Brinkman number Br. The Bejan number shows pronounced variations for the parameters entering into the problem.

    Citation: Paresh Vyas, Rajesh Kumar Kasana, Sahanawaz Khan. Entropy Analysis for boundary layer Micropolar fluid flow[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(3): 2009-2026. doi: 10.3934/math.2020133

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  • This paper reports entropy generation analysis of radiative micropolar fluid flow in porous medium. The mathematical model depicting convective boundary layer flow due to a vertically moving infinite plate bounding the porous medium on one side is solved numerically. An implicit finite difference method together with Gauss elimination method is used. The numerically computed velocity and temperature fields are employed to analyze entropy. The plots for entropy generation number for various sets of parameters are drawn. It is found that entropy generation number Ns decreases with increasing values of heat sink parameter Q and radiation parameter N whereas it increases with increasing values of Grashoff number Gr, Brinkman number Br. The Bejan number shows pronounced variations for the parameters entering into the problem.


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