Research article

Caliberating length scale parameter and micropolarity on transference of Love-type waves in composite of CoFe2O4 and Aluminium-Epoxy laden with Newtonian liquid

  • Received: 04 October 2019 Accepted: 17 January 2020 Published: 17 February 2020
  • MSC : 15A09, 65F30

  • The aim of the present study is to unravel the concealed attributes of the Love-type wave propagating in a composite of $ CoFe_2O_4 $ laden with Newtonian viscous liquid (VL), resting over Aluminium-Epoxy as a semi-infinite micropolar (MP) substrate bearing size dependent properties. The admissible boundary conditions are used to obtain the dispersion relations for both magnetically open and short cases. To support the findings and reverberations of affecting parameters, graphical representations are provided. Probable particular cases are deduced and matched with the existing result. It can be perceived from graphical representations that phase velocity of Love-type wave is remarkably affected by these parameters. Findings may have meaningful practical applications towards the optimization of magnetic sensors and transducers working in liquid environment.

    Citation: Vanita Sharma, Satish Kumar. Caliberating length scale parameter and micropolarity on transference of Love-type waves in composite of CoFe2O4 and Aluminium-Epoxy laden with Newtonian liquid[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(3): 1820-1842. doi: 10.3934/math.2020122

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  • The aim of the present study is to unravel the concealed attributes of the Love-type wave propagating in a composite of $ CoFe_2O_4 $ laden with Newtonian viscous liquid (VL), resting over Aluminium-Epoxy as a semi-infinite micropolar (MP) substrate bearing size dependent properties. The admissible boundary conditions are used to obtain the dispersion relations for both magnetically open and short cases. To support the findings and reverberations of affecting parameters, graphical representations are provided. Probable particular cases are deduced and matched with the existing result. It can be perceived from graphical representations that phase velocity of Love-type wave is remarkably affected by these parameters. Findings may have meaningful practical applications towards the optimization of magnetic sensors and transducers working in liquid environment.


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