Finite difference approximations for measure-valued solutions of a hierarchicallysize-structured population model
Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA 70504-1010
Department of Mathematics, Box 8205, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205
01 April 2014
29 June 2018
01 December 2014
Primary: 35A05, 35D05, 35F25, 35L67, 92D25.
We study a quasilinear hierarchically size-structured population modelpresented in [4]. In this model the growth, mortality andreproduction rates are assumed to depend on a function of thepopulation density. In [4] we showed that solutions to thismodel can become singular (measure-valued) in finite time even ifall the individual parameters are smooth. Therefore, in this paperwe develop a first order finite difference scheme to compute thesemeasure-valued solutions. Convergence analysis for this method isprovided. We also develop a high resolution second order scheme tocompute the measure-valued solution of the model and perform a comparative study between thetwo schemes.
Citation: Azmy S. Ackleh, Vinodh K. Chellamuthu, Kazufumi Ito. Finite difference approximations for measure-valued solutions of a hierarchicallysize-structured population model[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2015, 12(2): 233-258. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2015.12.233
We study a quasilinear hierarchically size-structured population modelpresented in [4]. In this model the growth, mortality andreproduction rates are assumed to depend on a function of thepopulation density. In [4] we showed that solutions to thismodel can become singular (measure-valued) in finite time even ifall the individual parameters are smooth. Therefore, in this paperwe develop a first order finite difference scheme to compute thesemeasure-valued solutions. Convergence analysis for this method isprovided. We also develop a high resolution second order scheme tocompute the measure-valued solution of the model and perform a comparative study between thetwo schemes.
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