Research article Special Issues

Leaf area estimation in Jatropha curcas (L.): an update

  • Received: 10 September 2018 Accepted: 03 December 2018 Published: 11 December 2018
  • We aimed to propose a reliable and accurate model using non-destructive measurements of leaf length (L) and/or width (W) for estimating leaf area (LA) of three genotypes of purging nut (Jatropha curcas L.), i.e. Astrea and Barranca, both Colombian and a Mexican genotype. For model construction, ~500 healthy leaves were collected from at least 20 healthy plants naturally grown at each locations, and encompassed the full spectrum of measurable leaf sizes. Equations with L and/or W were generated; however, the best fit were made when product between L and W (LW). To validate these models, independent data set of 450 leaves were used. Thus, we developed a single model (Yi = β0 * LWβ1) with high precision and accuracy, random dispersion pattern of residuals and unbiased. In spite of this, a single equation, joining all the studied genotypes, was developed [LA = 0.822 * (LW)0.983; standard errors: β0 = 0.020, β1 = 0.004; R2a = 0.976], which greatly simplifies the process of measuring the leaf area of the genotypes, a fact that should be highlighted.

    Citation: Marcos André dos Santos, Alfredo Jarma-Orozco, Flavio Lozano-Isla, José Nailson S. Barros, Jesús Rivera, Carlos Espitia-Romero, Ángela Castillejo-Morales, Betty Jarma-Arroyo, Marcelo Francisco Pompelli. Leaf area estimation in Jatropha curcas (L.): an update[J]. AIMS Environmental Science, 2018, 5(5): 353-371. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2018.5.353

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  • We aimed to propose a reliable and accurate model using non-destructive measurements of leaf length (L) and/or width (W) for estimating leaf area (LA) of three genotypes of purging nut (Jatropha curcas L.), i.e. Astrea and Barranca, both Colombian and a Mexican genotype. For model construction, ~500 healthy leaves were collected from at least 20 healthy plants naturally grown at each locations, and encompassed the full spectrum of measurable leaf sizes. Equations with L and/or W were generated; however, the best fit were made when product between L and W (LW). To validate these models, independent data set of 450 leaves were used. Thus, we developed a single model (Yi = β0 * LWβ1) with high precision and accuracy, random dispersion pattern of residuals and unbiased. In spite of this, a single equation, joining all the studied genotypes, was developed [LA = 0.822 * (LW)0.983; standard errors: β0 = 0.020, β1 = 0.004; R2a = 0.976], which greatly simplifies the process of measuring the leaf area of the genotypes, a fact that should be highlighted.

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