Research article

What is “geometric algebra”, and what has it been in historiography?1

  • 1 First presented to the meeting “Histoire de l'historiographie de l'algèbre”, Séminaire Histoire et Philosophie des Mathématiques, CNRS, SPHERE, & projet ERC SAW, Université Paris Diderot, 11 janvier 2016
  • Received: 27 January 2016 Accepted: 04 February 2017 Published: 03 March 2017
  • Much ink has been spilled these last 50 years over the notion (or whatever it is) of “geometric algebra” -sometimes in disputes so hot that one would believe it to be blood. However, nobody has seemed too interested in analyzing whether others have used the words in the same way as he has himself (he, indeed -as a feminist might declare, “all males, of course”). So, let us analyze what concepts or notions have been referred to by the two words in combination -if any.

    Citation: Høyrup Jens. What is “geometric algebra”, and what has it been in historiography?1[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2017, 2(1): 128-160. doi: 10.3934/Math.2017.1.128

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  • Much ink has been spilled these last 50 years over the notion (or whatever it is) of “geometric algebra” -sometimes in disputes so hot that one would believe it to be blood. However, nobody has seemed too interested in analyzing whether others have used the words in the same way as he has himself (he, indeed -as a feminist might declare, “all males, of course”). So, let us analyze what concepts or notions have been referred to by the two words in combination -if any.

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