Special Issue: Advanced Mathematical Methodologies to Manage Pandemics

Guest Editors

Prof. Monique Chyba
Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Email: chyba@hawaii.edu

Prof. Rinaldo M. Colombo

INdAM Unit & Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy

Email: rinaldo.colombo@unibs.it

Prof. Mauro Garavello
Department of Mathematics and its Applications, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Email: mauro.garavello@unimib.it

Prof. Benedetto Piccoli
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Center for Computational and Integrative Biology, Rutgers University, USA
Email: piccoli@camden.rutgers.edu

Manuscript Topics

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the whole world including scientific communities. A significant role was played by mathematical models to predict, manage, and control the pandemic. However, the same models were also deeply criticized because of their limited capability in making precise predictions. There were various reasons behind these drawbacks, including: the novelty of a fast-spreading pandemic in a connected world, the role played by the human factor, the abundance of data with low level of fidelity, and the appearance of virus variants with different clinical impacts. This is a second special issue on this theme to report on advancements in new approaches.

Instructions for authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system

Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 01 October 2023

Published Papers({{count}})

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{{article.year}}, Volume {{article.volume}}, Issue {{article.issue}}: {{article.fpage | processPage:article.lpage:6}}. doi: {{article.doi}}
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Abstract Abstract HTML HTML PDF Cited ({{article.citedByCount}}) Viewed ({{article.visitArticleCount}})