Special Issue: Predictive health intelligence: mathematical, statistical, computational modelling
Guest Editor
Prof. Marco Roccetti
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Email: marco.roccetti@unibo.it
Manuscript Topics
As we have learned with the Covid-19 pandemic, anticipating a disease dynamics, worldwide or at a specific country-level, means to develop an analytical intelligence which is able to assess, compare and predict risks of outbreaks and threats to the global or regional health of populations. Beyond monitoring infections, to cope with these challenges, a conceptual framework is to be defined that draws upon the use of a sophisticated variety of statistical, mathematical and computational techniques, ranging from traditional data mining and optimization up to deep learning and more. Not only are these techniques useful to analyze and interpret historical and current data, but they also become indispensable to the aim of understanding the relationships among different criteria and factors, thus guiding the decision making.
This special issue is dedicated to the presentation of new and innovative models in the fields of predictive and prescient health intelligence. Articles are invited in topics such as mathematical and statistical modeling for healthcare, predictive health modeling based on AI and deep learning, evidence-based predictive health modeling and pervasive and ubiquitous techniques in modelling and prediction risks to health. Authors are invited to submit both original research and survey papers reporting the newest results in the aforementioned field with no restriction on the length of the submitted papers.
Topics of interest include but are not be limited to:
• Inter domain research for predictive health intelligence
• Mathematical and statistical modelling for predictive health
• Computational intelligence techniques for solving health problems
• Data analysis for predictive health
• Applied statistics for predictive health
• Exact and approximate optimization for predictive health
• Machine and deep Learning for predictive health
• Computational and intelligent Medicine
• Computational and systems biology for health
• Fuzzy models, neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, probabilistic reasoning for predicting health
• Epidemiology and infodemiology data for predicting health
• Computational epidemiology and predictive health
• Bioinformatics and immunoinformatics for predicting health
Instructions for authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system
Paper Submission
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 30 September 2024