Special Issue: Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Control
Guest Editors
Prof. W. M. Haddad
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Email: wm.haddad@aerospace.gatech.edu
Homepage: http://haddad.gatech.edu
Prof. Xiaodi Li
Shandong Normal University, P. R. China
Email: lxd@sdnu.edu.cn
Homepage: https://www.lxdsdnu.com
Manuscript Topics
Hybrid dynamical systems (or simply hybrid systems) combine the typical behaviors of continuous-time dynamical systems with that of discrete-time dynamical systems, of which the continuous parts are often described by differential equations and the discrete parts are described by difference equations. Such models describe the interaction of continuous- and discrete-time dynamics, which provide a framework for mathematical modelling of many complex physical phenomena and practical applications. Examples of hybrid systems widely exist in manufacturing systems, computer operating systems, biological systems and so on. Since 1986, when the concept of hybrid systems was first proposed, research on hybrid systems has undergone a booming development in both theory and practice, which has attracted substantial attention from scholars and achieved fruitful results.
Compared with purely continuous-time systems and discrete-time systems, the interaction between the continuous dynamics and discrete dynamics in hybrid systems leads to a richer dynamical behavior, which also inevitably leads to the complexity of stability analysis. Especially, for some important classes of hybrid systems such as impulsive systems and switching systems, stability analysis would become more challenging since the stability conditions heavily rely on the continuous dynamics as well as discrete dynamics. At the same time, hybrid control appearing in a broad class of industrial applications has been another active area of research, for which more methods and techniques should be developed. Although interesting work has been reported on hybrid systems in recent years, there remain many challenging open issues on such topic.
The purpose of this Special Issue is to explore the most recent results and current trends of hybrid dynamical systems and provide a platform for interested researchers to disseminate their original research of hybrid systems. This is an excellent opportunity for researchers to report their recent progresses with the scientific community, in general and particularly working in the fields related to the title of the special issue. The list of possible topics includes, but is not limited to:
• Switching systems
• Impulsive systems
• Stochastic systems
• Delayed systems
• Networked control systems
• Discontinuous control systems
Instruction for Authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system
Paper Submission
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 15 December 2020