Special Issue: Modeling, predicting, and controlling complex intelligent systems

Guest Editors

Prof. Wei Lin
School of Mathematical Sciences and Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems, Fudan University, China
Email: wlin@fudan.edu.cn

Prof. Yang Tang
Department of Automation, East China University of Science and Technology, China
Email: tangtany@gmail.com

Prof. Yuguo Yu
Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems, Fudan University, China
Email: yuyuguo@fudan.edu.cn  

Manuscript Topics

Real-world systems often evolve with emergence of complex phenomena, corresponding to particular functions of those systems. How to model such kind of emergence in complex intelligent systems of large scale has become one of focal issues in communities of applied sciences, requiring appropriate combination and utilization of model-driven and data-driven methods using dynamical systems theory. Also, based on the modeling, realization of prediction and implementation of control on those systems are of great significance. This special issue, focusing on modeling, predicting, and controlling complex intelligent systems, welcomes the recent progresses in both theoretical and numerical directions.

Keywords: complex systems; artificial intelligence; causality; dynamical systems theory; stochastic; control; prediction

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Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 15 June 2022

Published Papers({{count}})

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{{article.articleStateNameEn}}Available online{{article.preferredDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}} doi: {{article.doi}}
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