Mathematics skills and STEM multidisciplinary literacy: Role of learning capacity

  • Received: 01 March 2021 Revised: 01 April 2021
  • Perspective

  • Previous studies highlighted the role of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education in the development of mathematical skills while how mathematical skills influence STEM multidisciplinary literacy is under researched. Therefore, the purpose of current study is to explore the significance of mathematical skills (spatial imagination ability, calculation ability, and reasoning ability) in STEM multidisciplinary literacy. Further, to better understand the relationship between mathematical skills and STEM multidisciplinary literacy, students learning capacities was investigated as a mechanism. The theoretical findings of the study show that spatial imagination ability, calculation ability, and reasoning ability positively linked with STEM multidisciplinary literacy. Additionally, the findings show that students learning capabilities mediate the relationship between mathematical skills and STEM multidisciplinary literacy. Future directions of the study are also discussed.

    Citation: Usman Ghani, Xuesong Zhai, Riaz Ahmad. Mathematics skills and STEM multidisciplinary literacy: Role of learning capacity[J]. STEM Education, 2021, 1(2): 104-113. doi: 10.3934/steme.2021008

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  • Previous studies highlighted the role of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education in the development of mathematical skills while how mathematical skills influence STEM multidisciplinary literacy is under researched. Therefore, the purpose of current study is to explore the significance of mathematical skills (spatial imagination ability, calculation ability, and reasoning ability) in STEM multidisciplinary literacy. Further, to better understand the relationship between mathematical skills and STEM multidisciplinary literacy, students learning capacities was investigated as a mechanism. The theoretical findings of the study show that spatial imagination ability, calculation ability, and reasoning ability positively linked with STEM multidisciplinary literacy. Additionally, the findings show that students learning capabilities mediate the relationship between mathematical skills and STEM multidisciplinary literacy. Future directions of the study are also discussed.


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