Research article

Descriptive analysis of TikTok content on vaccination in Arabic

  • Received: 25 August 2024 Revised: 19 October 2024 Accepted: 20 November 2024 Published: 17 January 2025
  • The extensive impact of social media on communication of public health information is a growing concern. This is particularly worrying in the context of vaccination. Thus, we investigated the quality of TikTok videos regarding vaccination in Arabic, with examination of the association of video source and content type with the information quality and video engagement metrics. The final sample comprised a total of 129 TikTok videos in Arabic posted between January 2021 and July 2024. Videos were categorized based on the source [healthcare professional (HCPs), lay individuals, media], and content type (COVID-19 vaccination, childhood vaccination, general vaccination, others). We utilized a miniaturized version of the DISCERN instrument (mini-DISCERN) scale to evaluate information quality by two independent raters and assessed video engagement metrics (Likes, Comments, Shares, and Saves). The results indicated a statistically significant discrepancy in information quality, with videos from HCPs and media outlets scoring higher on the mini-DISCERN scale compared to those from lay individuals [mean: (4.818 ± 0.726) vs. (4.053 ± 1.441) vs. (2.003 ± 1.640), P < 0.001]. The highest information quality was found for videos on childhood vaccination, whereas content on COVID-19 vaccination was rated significantly lower on mini-DISCERN [mean: (4.510 ± 1.269) vs. (2.542 ± 1.827), P < 0.001]. Videos with higher engagement metrics, particularly those from lay individuals, were negatively correlated with information quality. Linear regression analysis confirmed the significant influence of the creator background (β = −0.618, P < 0.001) and video topic (β = 0.179, P = 0.009) on information quality. This study highlights the critical role of content creator background and topic on the quality of vaccination-related information on TikTok in Arabic. We emphasize the need for stringent verification of TikTok content, especially from lay individuals, as videos with higher engagement metrics often contained lower-quality information regarding vaccination. We recommend enhanced support for content from HCPs and targeted digital literacy programs to combat vaccine misinformation on TikTok effectively.

    Citation: Malik Sallam, Kholoud Al-Mahzoum, Lujain Alkandari, Aisha Shabakouh, Asmaa Shabakouh, Abiar Ali, Fajer Alenezi, Muna Barakat. Descriptive analysis of TikTok content on vaccination in Arabic[J]. AIMS Public Health, 2025, 12(1): 137-161. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2025010

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  • The extensive impact of social media on communication of public health information is a growing concern. This is particularly worrying in the context of vaccination. Thus, we investigated the quality of TikTok videos regarding vaccination in Arabic, with examination of the association of video source and content type with the information quality and video engagement metrics. The final sample comprised a total of 129 TikTok videos in Arabic posted between January 2021 and July 2024. Videos were categorized based on the source [healthcare professional (HCPs), lay individuals, media], and content type (COVID-19 vaccination, childhood vaccination, general vaccination, others). We utilized a miniaturized version of the DISCERN instrument (mini-DISCERN) scale to evaluate information quality by two independent raters and assessed video engagement metrics (Likes, Comments, Shares, and Saves). The results indicated a statistically significant discrepancy in information quality, with videos from HCPs and media outlets scoring higher on the mini-DISCERN scale compared to those from lay individuals [mean: (4.818 ± 0.726) vs. (4.053 ± 1.441) vs. (2.003 ± 1.640), P < 0.001]. The highest information quality was found for videos on childhood vaccination, whereas content on COVID-19 vaccination was rated significantly lower on mini-DISCERN [mean: (4.510 ± 1.269) vs. (2.542 ± 1.827), P < 0.001]. Videos with higher engagement metrics, particularly those from lay individuals, were negatively correlated with information quality. Linear regression analysis confirmed the significant influence of the creator background (β = −0.618, P < 0.001) and video topic (β = 0.179, P = 0.009) on information quality. This study highlights the critical role of content creator background and topic on the quality of vaccination-related information on TikTok in Arabic. We emphasize the need for stringent verification of TikTok content, especially from lay individuals, as videos with higher engagement metrics often contained lower-quality information regarding vaccination. We recommend enhanced support for content from HCPs and targeted digital literacy programs to combat vaccine misinformation on TikTok effectively.



    The datasets analyzed during the current study are available in the public data tool Open Science Framework (OSF) (DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/4XPJH;
    This research received no external funding.

    Authors' contribution

    Conceptualization, Malik Sallam; methodology, Malik Sallam, Kholoud Al-Mahzoum, Lujain Alkandari, Aisha Shabakouh, Asmaa Shabakouh, Abiar Ali, Fajer Alenezi and Muna Barakat; validation, Malik Sallam and Muna Barakat; formal analysis, Malik Sallam; investigation, Malik Sallam, Kholoud Al-Mahzoum, Lujain Alkandari, Aisha Shabakouh, Asmaa Shabakouh, Abiar Ali, Fajer Alenezi and Muna Barakat; data curation, Malik Sallam, Kholoud Al-Mahzoum, Lujain Alkandari, Aisha Shabakouh, Asmaa Shabakouh, Abiar Ali, Fajer Alenezi and Muna Barakat; writing—original draft preparation, Malik Sallam; writing—review and editing, Malik Sallam, Kholoud Al-Mahzoum, Lujain Alkandari, Aisha Shabakouh, Asmaa Shabakouh, Abiar Ali, Fajer Alenezi and Muna Barakat; visualization, Malik Sallam; supervision, Malik Sallam, project administration, Malik Sallam. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

    Conflict of interest

    All authors declare that there are no competing interests.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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