Research article

A comparative study of SIR Model, Linear Regression, Logistic Function and ARIMA Model for forecasting COVID-19 cases

  • Received: 12 July 2021 Accepted: 29 July 2021 Published: 26 August 2021
  • Starting February 2020, COVID-19 was confirmed in 11,946 people worldwide, with a mortality rate of almost 2%. A significant number of epidemic diseases consisting of human Coronavirus display patterns. In this study, with the benefit of data analytic, we develop regression models and a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model for the contagion to compare the performance of models to predict the number of cases. First, we implement a good understanding of data and perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Then, we derive parameters of the model from the available data corresponding to the top 4 regions based on the history of infections and the most infected people as of the end of August 2020. Then models are compared, and we recommend further research.

    Citation: Saina Abolmaali, Samira Shirzaei. A comparative study of SIR Model, Linear Regression, Logistic Function and ARIMA Model for forecasting COVID-19 cases[J]. AIMS Public Health, 2021, 8(4): 598-613. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2021048

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  • Starting February 2020, COVID-19 was confirmed in 11,946 people worldwide, with a mortality rate of almost 2%. A significant number of epidemic diseases consisting of human Coronavirus display patterns. In this study, with the benefit of data analytic, we develop regression models and a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model for the contagion to compare the performance of models to predict the number of cases. First, we implement a good understanding of data and perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Then, we derive parameters of the model from the available data corresponding to the top 4 regions based on the history of infections and the most infected people as of the end of August 2020. Then models are compared, and we recommend further research.



    The authors did not receive support from any organization for this study.

    Conflict of interest

    The authors report no conflict of interest.

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