Research article Special Issues

On a hemi-variational formulation for a 2D elasto-plastic-damage strain gradient solid with granular microstructure

  • Received: 25 September 2021 Revised: 21 January 2022 Accepted: 26 January 2022 Published: 29 March 2022
  • We report a continuum theory for 2D strain gradient materials accounting for a class of dissipation phenomena. The continuum description is constructed by means of a (reversible) placement function and by (irreversible) damage and plastic functions. Besides, expressions of elastic and dissipation energies have been assumed as well as the postulation of a hemi-variational principle. No flow rules have been assumed and plastic deformation is also compatible, that means it can be derived by a placement function. Strain gradient Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), boundary conditions (BCs) and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) type conditions are derived by a hemi variational principle. PDEs and BCs govern the evolution of the placement descriptor and KKT conditions that of damage and plastic variables. Numerical experiments for the investigated homogeneous cases do not need the use of Finite Element simulations and have been performed to show the applicability of the model. In particular, the induced anisotropy of the response has been investigated and the coupling between damage and plasticity evolution has been shown.

    Citation: Luca Placidi, Emilio Barchiesi, Francesco dell'Isola, Valerii Maksimov, Anil Misra, Nasrin Rezaei, Angelo Scrofani, Dmitry Timofeev. On a hemi-variational formulation for a 2D elasto-plastic-damage strain gradient solid with granular microstructure[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2023, 5(1): 1-24. doi: 10.3934/mine.2023021

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  • We report a continuum theory for 2D strain gradient materials accounting for a class of dissipation phenomena. The continuum description is constructed by means of a (reversible) placement function and by (irreversible) damage and plastic functions. Besides, expressions of elastic and dissipation energies have been assumed as well as the postulation of a hemi-variational principle. No flow rules have been assumed and plastic deformation is also compatible, that means it can be derived by a placement function. Strain gradient Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), boundary conditions (BCs) and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) type conditions are derived by a hemi variational principle. PDEs and BCs govern the evolution of the placement descriptor and KKT conditions that of damage and plastic variables. Numerical experiments for the investigated homogeneous cases do not need the use of Finite Element simulations and have been performed to show the applicability of the model. In particular, the induced anisotropy of the response has been investigated and the coupling between damage and plasticity evolution has been shown.


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