Review Special Issues

Instabilities in internal gravity waves

  • Received: 10 December 2021 Revised: 03 January 2022 Accepted: 03 January 2022 Published: 01 March 2022
  • Internal gravity waves are propagating disturbances in stably stratified fluids, and can transport momentum and energy over large spatial extents. From a fundamental viewpoint, internal waves are interesting due to the nature of their dispersion relation, and their linear dynamics are reasonably well-understood. From an oceanographic viewpoint, a qualitative and quantitative understanding of significant internal wave generation in the ocean is emerging, while their dissipation mechanisms are being debated. This paper reviews the current knowledge on instabilities in internal gravity waves, primarily focusing on the growth of small-amplitude disturbances. Historically, wave-wave interactions based on weakly nonlinear expansions have driven progress in this field, to investigate spontaneous energy transfer to various temporal and spatial scales. Recent advances in numerical/experimental modeling and field observations have further revealed noticeable differences between various internal wave spatial forms in terms of their instability characteristics; this in turn has motivated theoretical calculations on appropriately chosen internal wave fields in various settings. After a brief introduction, we present a pedagogical discussion on linear internal waves and their different two-dimensional spatial forms. The general ideas concerning triadic resonance in internal waves are then introduced, before proceeding towards instability characteristics of plane waves, wave beams and modes. Results from various theoretical, experimental and numerical studies are summarized to provide an overall picture of the gaps in our understanding. An ocean perspective is then given, both in terms of the relevant outstanding questions and the various additional factors at play. While the applications in this review are focused on the ocean, several ideas are relevant to atmospheric and astrophysical systems too.

    Citation: Dheeraj Varma, Manikandan Mathur, Thierry Dauxois. Instabilities in internal gravity waves[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2023, 5(1): 1-34. doi: 10.3934/mine.2023016

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  • Internal gravity waves are propagating disturbances in stably stratified fluids, and can transport momentum and energy over large spatial extents. From a fundamental viewpoint, internal waves are interesting due to the nature of their dispersion relation, and their linear dynamics are reasonably well-understood. From an oceanographic viewpoint, a qualitative and quantitative understanding of significant internal wave generation in the ocean is emerging, while their dissipation mechanisms are being debated. This paper reviews the current knowledge on instabilities in internal gravity waves, primarily focusing on the growth of small-amplitude disturbances. Historically, wave-wave interactions based on weakly nonlinear expansions have driven progress in this field, to investigate spontaneous energy transfer to various temporal and spatial scales. Recent advances in numerical/experimental modeling and field observations have further revealed noticeable differences between various internal wave spatial forms in terms of their instability characteristics; this in turn has motivated theoretical calculations on appropriately chosen internal wave fields in various settings. After a brief introduction, we present a pedagogical discussion on linear internal waves and their different two-dimensional spatial forms. The general ideas concerning triadic resonance in internal waves are then introduced, before proceeding towards instability characteristics of plane waves, wave beams and modes. Results from various theoretical, experimental and numerical studies are summarized to provide an overall picture of the gaps in our understanding. An ocean perspective is then given, both in terms of the relevant outstanding questions and the various additional factors at play. While the applications in this review are focused on the ocean, several ideas are relevant to atmospheric and astrophysical systems too.


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