Research article Special Issues

Diversity of fermentative yeasts with probiotic potential isolated from Thai fermented food products

  • Received: 18 October 2022 Revised: 16 December 2022 Accepted: 19 December 2022 Published: 26 December 2022
  • This research aimed to evaluate the diversity of yeasts recovered from fermented foods gathered from some areas of Northeastern Thailand. The fermented food items included Pla-som, Nham-pla, Kem-buknud, Isan-sausage, Pla-ra, Mhum-neu, Mhum-Khai-pla, Nham-neu, Nham-mu, Kung-joom, Som-pla-noi, and Poo-dong. Their probiotic characteristics were also investigated. A total of 103 yeast isolates of nine genera were identified using 28S rDNA sequencing. The yeast genera were Candida (20.3%), Diutina (2.9%), Filobasidium (1.0%), Kazachstania (33.0%), Pichia (3.9%), Saccharomyces (1.0%), Starmerella (28.2%), Torulaspora (2.9%), and Yarrowia (6.8%). Based on probiotic characteristic analysis of ten selected yeast strains, Kazachstania bulderi KKKS4-1 showed the strongest probiotic characteristics in terms of hemolytic activity, antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria, tolerance to low pH and bile salt and hydrophobicity. Isolated yeasts with probiotic characteristics may be useful in fermented food and animal feed production to improve their nutritional values.

    Citation: Sukrita Punyauppa-path, Pongpat Kiatprasert, Jutaporn Sawaengkaew, Polson Mahakhan, Parichat Phumkhachorn, Pongsak Rattanachaikunsopon, Pannida Khunnamwong, Nantana Srisuk. Diversity of fermentative yeasts with probiotic potential isolated from Thai fermented food products[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2022, 8(4): 575-594. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2022037

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  • This research aimed to evaluate the diversity of yeasts recovered from fermented foods gathered from some areas of Northeastern Thailand. The fermented food items included Pla-som, Nham-pla, Kem-buknud, Isan-sausage, Pla-ra, Mhum-neu, Mhum-Khai-pla, Nham-neu, Nham-mu, Kung-joom, Som-pla-noi, and Poo-dong. Their probiotic characteristics were also investigated. A total of 103 yeast isolates of nine genera were identified using 28S rDNA sequencing. The yeast genera were Candida (20.3%), Diutina (2.9%), Filobasidium (1.0%), Kazachstania (33.0%), Pichia (3.9%), Saccharomyces (1.0%), Starmerella (28.2%), Torulaspora (2.9%), and Yarrowia (6.8%). Based on probiotic characteristic analysis of ten selected yeast strains, Kazachstania bulderi KKKS4-1 showed the strongest probiotic characteristics in terms of hemolytic activity, antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria, tolerance to low pH and bile salt and hydrophobicity. Isolated yeasts with probiotic characteristics may be useful in fermented food and animal feed production to improve their nutritional values.



    We would like to thank Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute (KURDI) for the grant no. FF(KU)18.64.

    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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