Review Special Issues

Probiotics for immunomodulation in prevention against respiratory viral infections with special emphasis on COVID-19

  • Received: 18 June 2022 Revised: 19 August 2022 Accepted: 25 August 2022 Published: 15 September 2022
  • COVID-19 pandemic is currently causing high mortality and economic crisis, and several drugs-based therapeutic strategies and vaccines are unfortunately used with little efficiency. Therefore, here is an urgent need to provide additives therapies that prevent or improve symptoms in populations infected by SARS-CoV-2 variants. This review aimed to examine relevant scientific information related to SARS-CoV-2 and host antiviral immunity, as well the possible role of probiotics in gut-lung cross talk pathways to promote lung immune response to COVID-19 infection. We searched online databases such as PubMed, Embase, Chinese databases, and selected articles and studies with relevant data reported on COVID-19 and other respiratory viral infections. Recent research highlighted potential immunomodulatory activities of probiotics assessed in animal models and clinical trials. However, the role of probiotics and gut microbiome in COVID-19 management, and approaches with significant understanding in molecular mechanism of probiotic action remain poorly investigated. Clinical investigations as well as animal model studies published have demonstrated that probiotics such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidumbacterium lactis HN019, may influence positively not only microbiota balance but also antiviral immunity by improving both innate and adaptive responses and controlling inflammatory reaction in respiratory viral infection. Given the immunological interactions in gut-lung axis and the crucial role of probiotics in modulating immune responses by promoting dendritic cells (DCs) to regulate T cell responses, we hypothesized that application of probiotics may be successful in prevention or treatment of both intestinal disorders and airway diseases in patients with COVID-19.

    Citation: T. Amrouche, M. L. Chikindas. Probiotics for immunomodulation in prevention against respiratory viral infections with special emphasis on COVID-19[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2022, 8(3): 338-356. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2022024

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  • COVID-19 pandemic is currently causing high mortality and economic crisis, and several drugs-based therapeutic strategies and vaccines are unfortunately used with little efficiency. Therefore, here is an urgent need to provide additives therapies that prevent or improve symptoms in populations infected by SARS-CoV-2 variants. This review aimed to examine relevant scientific information related to SARS-CoV-2 and host antiviral immunity, as well the possible role of probiotics in gut-lung cross talk pathways to promote lung immune response to COVID-19 infection. We searched online databases such as PubMed, Embase, Chinese databases, and selected articles and studies with relevant data reported on COVID-19 and other respiratory viral infections. Recent research highlighted potential immunomodulatory activities of probiotics assessed in animal models and clinical trials. However, the role of probiotics and gut microbiome in COVID-19 management, and approaches with significant understanding in molecular mechanism of probiotic action remain poorly investigated. Clinical investigations as well as animal model studies published have demonstrated that probiotics such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidumbacterium lactis HN019, may influence positively not only microbiota balance but also antiviral immunity by improving both innate and adaptive responses and controlling inflammatory reaction in respiratory viral infection. Given the immunological interactions in gut-lung axis and the crucial role of probiotics in modulating immune responses by promoting dendritic cells (DCs) to regulate T cell responses, we hypothesized that application of probiotics may be successful in prevention or treatment of both intestinal disorders and airway diseases in patients with COVID-19.



    Dr Belaid Bouazza is thanked so much for reviewing the manuscript before submission.

    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare no conflict of interest

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