Review Special Issues

How does atherosclerotic plaque become calcified, and why?

  • Received: 25 June 2024 Revised: 18 September 2024 Accepted: 11 October 2024 Published: 22 October 2024
  • Vascular calcification involves the crystallization of calcium/phosphate in the form of hydroxyapatoite in the extracellular matrix of the arterial wall. Vascular calcification is categorized into 3 main etiologies: (1) inflammatory/atherosclerotic (mostly intimal), (2) metabolic (mostly medial), and (3) genetic background (mostly medial). Several overlapping mechanisms trigger all three types of calcifications. Intimal coronary artery calcification simultaneously develops with the progression of atherosclerosis and has been recognized as a surrogate marker of atherosclerotic inflammatory vascular disease. Pathologically, atherosclerotic calcification initially occurs as microcalcifications (0.5 to 15 µm) and results in larger dense calcification, eventually forming sheet calcifications (>3 mm). Among the plaque types, the degree of calcification is the highest in fibrocalcific plaques, followed by healed plaque ruptures, and is the lowest in pathologic intimal thickening. Recent pathologic and imaging-based studies suggest that massive dense calcifications are usually associated with stable plaques, whereas microcalcifications are indicative of vulnerable plaques which may cause acute thrombotic events. Although the mechanisms of calcification are not fully elucidated, apoptotic inflammatory cells and smooth muscle cells, along with the induction of bone formation, play crucial roles in its initiation and progression. A deeper understanding of vascular calcification will improve the risk stratification and patient outcomes through the development of new therapies.

    Citation: Teruo Sekimoto, Takamasa Tanaka, Tatsuya Shiraki, Renu Virmani, Aloke V. Finn. How does atherosclerotic plaque become calcified, and why?[J]. AIMS Medical Science, 2024, 11(4): 421-438. doi: 10.3934/medsci.2024029

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  • Vascular calcification involves the crystallization of calcium/phosphate in the form of hydroxyapatoite in the extracellular matrix of the arterial wall. Vascular calcification is categorized into 3 main etiologies: (1) inflammatory/atherosclerotic (mostly intimal), (2) metabolic (mostly medial), and (3) genetic background (mostly medial). Several overlapping mechanisms trigger all three types of calcifications. Intimal coronary artery calcification simultaneously develops with the progression of atherosclerosis and has been recognized as a surrogate marker of atherosclerotic inflammatory vascular disease. Pathologically, atherosclerotic calcification initially occurs as microcalcifications (0.5 to 15 µm) and results in larger dense calcification, eventually forming sheet calcifications (>3 mm). Among the plaque types, the degree of calcification is the highest in fibrocalcific plaques, followed by healed plaque ruptures, and is the lowest in pathologic intimal thickening. Recent pathologic and imaging-based studies suggest that massive dense calcifications are usually associated with stable plaques, whereas microcalcifications are indicative of vulnerable plaques which may cause acute thrombotic events. Although the mechanisms of calcification are not fully elucidated, apoptotic inflammatory cells and smooth muscle cells, along with the induction of bone formation, play crucial roles in its initiation and progression. A deeper understanding of vascular calcification will improve the risk stratification and patient outcomes through the development of new therapies.



    The authors appreciate the excellent support of all the staff from CVPath Institute.
    Renu Virmani and Aloke V. Finn have received institutional research support from NIH-HL141425, Leducq Foundation Grant, 4C Medical, 4Tech, Abbott Vascular, Ablative Solutions, Absorption Systems, Advanced NanoTherapies, Aerwave Medical, Alivas, Amgen, Asahi Medical, Aurios Medical, Avantec Vascular, BD, Biosensors, Biotronik, Biotyx Medical, Bolt Medical, Boston, Scientific, Canon, Cardiac Implants, Cardiawave, CardioMech, Cardionomic, Celonova, Cerus, EndoVascular, Chansu Vascular Technologies, Childrens National, Concept Medical, Cook Medical, Cooper Health, Cormaze, CRL, Croivalve, CSI, Dexcom, Edwards, Elucid Bioimaging, eLum Technologies, Emboline, Endotronix, Envision, Filterlex, Imperative Care, Innovalve, Innovative, Cardiovascular Solutions, Intact Vascular, Interface Biolgics, Intershunt Technologies, Invatin, Lahav, Limflow, L&J Bio, Lutonix, Lyra Therapeutics, Mayo Clinic, Maywell, MDS, MedAlliance, Medanex, Medtronic, Mercator, Microport, Microvention, Neovasc, Nephronyx, Nova Vascular, Nyra Medical, Occultech, Olympus, Ohio Health, OrbusNeich, Ossiso, Phenox, Pi-Cardia, Polares Medical, Polyvascular, Profusa, ProKidney, LLC, Protembis, Pulse Biosciences, Qool Therapeutics, Recombinetics, Recor, Regencor, Renata Medical, Restore Medical, Ripple Therapeutics, Rush University, Sanofi, Shockwave, SMT, SoundPipe, Spartan Micro, Spectrawave, Surmodics, Terumo, The Jacobs Institute, Transmural Systems, Transverse Medical, TruLeaf, UCSF, UPMC, Vascudyne, Vesper, Vetex Medical, Whiteswell, WL Gore, Xeltis.
    Aloke V. Finn has received honoraria from Abbott Vascular [Stents]; Biosensors [Stents]; Boston Scientific [Stents]; Celonova [Stents]; Cook Medical [Stents]; CSI [Catheters]; Lutonix Bard [Balloons]; Sinomed [Stents]; Terumo Corporation [Stents]; and is a consultant to Amgen; Amgen [Farma]; Abbott Vascular [Stents]; Boston Scientific [Stents, Valves, Balloons]; Celonova [Stents]; Cook Medical [Stents]; Lutonix Bard [Stents, Balloons]; and Sinomed [Stents].
    Renu Virmani has received honoraria from Abbott Vascular; Biosensors; Boston Scientific; Celonova; Cook Medical; Cordis; CSI; Lutonix Bard; Medtronic; OrbusNeich Medical; CeloNova; SINO Medical Technology; ReCor; Terumo Corporation; W. L. Gore; Spectranetics; and is a consultant for Abbott Vascular; Boston Scientific; Celonova; Cook Medical; CSI; Edwards Lifescience; Bard BD; Medtronic; OrbusNeich Medical; ReCor Medical; SinoMedical Technology; Surmodics; Terumo Corporation; W. L. Gore; Xeltis.

    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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