Research article Special Issues

Comparative analysis of GAN-based fusion deep neural models for fake face detection

  • Received: 05 November 2023 Revised: 06 December 2023 Accepted: 13 December 2023 Published: 02 January 2024
  • Fake face identity is a serious, potentially fatal issue that affects every industry from the banking and finance industry to the military and mission-critical applications. This is where the proposed system offers artificial intelligence (AI)-based supported fake face detection. The models were trained on an extensive dataset of real and fake face images, incorporating steps like sampling, preprocessing, pooling, normalization, vectorization, batch processing and model training, testing-, and classification via output activation. The proposed work performs the comparative analysis of the three fusion models, which can be integrated with Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) based on the performance evaluation. The Model-3, which contains the combination of DenseNet-201+ResNet-102+Xception, offers the highest accuracy of 0.9797, and the Model-2 with the combination of DenseNet-201+ResNet-50+Inception V3 offers the lowest loss value of 0.1146; both are suitable for the GAN integration. Additionally, the Model-1 performs admirably, with an accuracy of 0.9542 and a loss value of 0.1416. A second dataset was also tested where the proposed Model-3 provided maximum accuracy of 86.42% with a minimum loss of 0.4054.

    Citation: Musiri Kailasanathan Nallakaruppan, Chiranji Lal Chowdhary, SivaramaKrishnan Somayaji, Himakshi Chaturvedi, Sujatha. R, Hafiz Tayyab Rauf, Mohamed Sharaf. Comparative analysis of GAN-based fusion deep neural models for fake face detection[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(1): 1625-1649. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024071

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  • Fake face identity is a serious, potentially fatal issue that affects every industry from the banking and finance industry to the military and mission-critical applications. This is where the proposed system offers artificial intelligence (AI)-based supported fake face detection. The models were trained on an extensive dataset of real and fake face images, incorporating steps like sampling, preprocessing, pooling, normalization, vectorization, batch processing and model training, testing-, and classification via output activation. The proposed work performs the comparative analysis of the three fusion models, which can be integrated with Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) based on the performance evaluation. The Model-3, which contains the combination of DenseNet-201+ResNet-102+Xception, offers the highest accuracy of 0.9797, and the Model-2 with the combination of DenseNet-201+ResNet-50+Inception V3 offers the lowest loss value of 0.1146; both are suitable for the GAN integration. Additionally, the Model-1 performs admirably, with an accuracy of 0.9542 and a loss value of 0.1416. A second dataset was also tested where the proposed Model-3 provided maximum accuracy of 86.42% with a minimum loss of 0.4054.


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